The End of the Universe

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The TARDIS materialises in Cardiff in front of the water tower Jack and Starla run for it, though Jack can hardly believe it's happening.

Jack appears on the TARDIS monitor. The Doctor sees him and a look of panic appears on his face, he doesn't see Starla with him. He starts the TARDIS. Jack leaps and Starla is just behind. 

Inside the TARDIS the console sparks and the Doctor and Martha are thrown to the floor.

Martha clings to console, "What's that?"

"We're accelerating into the future," The Doctor checks to monitor, "The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. 50 trillion. What? The year 100 trillion. That's impossible!"

"Why? What happens then?"

"We're going to the end of the universe."

Jack is clinging to the TARDIS as it travels through the vortex while Starla clings to him.The TARDIS arrives with a thud and the Doctor looks at Martha suspiciously, "Well, we've landed."

"So what's out there?"

"I don't know."

"Say that again. That's rare."

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really... go," He looks at Martha and grins widely before heading for the door Martha right behind him. Outside is a bleak landscape.

As they step out, Martha sees Jack on the ground, "Oh my God!" She taps the Doctor's arm before rushing over, "Can't get a pulse. Hold on, you've got that medical kit thing."

She runs into the TARDIS as the Doctor saunters over, "Hello again. Oh, I'm sorry."

Rushing back, "Here we go. Out of the way," She shoves the Doctor, "It's a bit odd, though. Not very 100 trillion, that coat's more like World War II."

"I think he came with us."

"How do you mean? From Earth?"

"He must've been clinging to the outside of the TARDIS through the vortex. Well, that's very him."

"What? Do you know him?"

"Friend of mine," The Doctor nods, "Used to travel with me. Back in the old days."

"But he's, I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat. There's nothing. He's dead."

Jack gasps as he comes back to life, grabbing Martha who screams, "Oh well, so much for me. It's all right. Just breathe deep. I've got you now."

"Captain Jack Harkness," He introduces himself, "And who are you?"

"Martha Jones."

"Nice to meet you, Martha Jones."

The Doctor rolls his eyes, "Oh, don't start!"

"I was just saying hello."

"I don't mind," Martha helps Jack stand.

Jack and the Doctor stared at each other coldly, "Doctor."


"Good to see you."

"And you. Same as ever... although... have you had work done?"

"You can talk!"

The Doctor frowns before realising what he means, "Oh yes, the face. Regeneration. How did you know this was me?"

"The police box kinda gives it away. I've been following you for a long time. You abandoned me."

"Did I? Busy life. Move on."

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