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I've decided to change the scheduling of this book to twice a week Fridays and Sundays as I have quite a good backlog of chapters building up. If it doesn't work, then I'll let you know and go back to updating once a week.

August 2007 1 Year and a half later

Grabbing her bags from the overhead compartment on the train, Starla glares at the pouring rain outside the window, 'British summer' She rolls her eyes.

Just running from the train into the station building she gets soaked. Out the front of the station, she stands right back under the shelter but she doesn't have to wait long before the SUV swiftly pulls up in front of her.

It's two weeks into the summer holidays and she is excited to spend three weeks with her dad and the Torchwood team before she'll spend the last week in London getting ready to go back to school.

It surprises her that Tosh jumps out the back taking her bag and putting it in the boot as she climbs into the car, sliding into the middle seat to be sandwiched between Suzie and Tosh, "Wow, did you miss me that much you all had to come to pick me up?" She huffs a laugh noting Owen in the passenger seat and her dad driving.

"We're on our way to test the glove on someone that's not long been murdered," Tosh explains typing something into the computer in front of her. As the SUV drives away from the station.

"We'll drop you at Mavis' after," Jack assures her. He was just about to leave to pick her up when the murder came through to their system.

"We did miss you though," Suzie adds making her feel better.

Starla is used to rushing off to different places, after a year, a lot of the Torchwood stuff is normal to her and she's one of the team. Though Jack will draw the line if something is too dangerous and absolutely no guns.

Arriving on the scene it's crawling with police and the forensics team, they're moving back as they get out. She follows her dad to the taped-off area, being a lookout for anyone watching. That's become her job amongst the team, making sure civilians stay out of the way so the rest can get on with their work.

She doesn't miss one police officer sneaking off into the parking lot, she keeps an eye on the different levels.

Jack starts talking his usual nonsense, distracting her, "There you go. I can taste it. Oestrogen, you take the pill, flush it away, it enters the water cycle, feminises the fish, goes all the way up to the sky then falls back down in the rain. Contraceptives in the rain. Love this planet."

Starla giggles, the other completely ignoring him to get everything set up, "How's it going?" Jack comes back to the task at hand.

"Nothing yet," Suzie puts the glove on, "It's got to connect, I've just got to feel it."

"Then hurry up and feel it, I'm freezing my arse off here," Owen grumbles.

"I can't just flick a switch, it's more like granting me access. It's like... oh," She's interrupted by the glove coming to life.

"Positions," Jack orders.

Owen starts filming while Tosh gets ready to talk to the victim, Suzie sits behind the body holding his head with the glove.

The rain stops around them, only around them Starla notes and after a moment the deceased man comes to life, "There was... What was? I was... oh my God, I was going home."

"Listen to me," Tosh tries to calm him down, "We've only got two minutes so you must listen. Who killed you?"

"Who are you?" The man frowns, "I don't know, there was something behind."

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