The Last Time Lord

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"Citizens rejoice. Your Lord and Master stands on high, playing Track 3," The Master's voice-over fills the conference room as the door opens and the Master spins. 'I Can't Decide', by Scissor Sisters plays and he sings along.

The Master struts in and slides over to Lucy who is wearing a red gown. He gives Lucy a long kiss missing her look of disgust as he moves away from her.

He sits in one of the chairs at the table and spins as Francine, in a maid's uniform, serves him tea. Which he throws to the floor since it's not right.

Running up onto the bridge, he begins ringing an old-fashioned handbell. The Doctor crawls out of a tent that has straw on the floor. Beside the tent is a bowl that reads 'DOG'.

The Master goes down to the Doctor and forces him into a wheelchair, pushing him around the room in it ending up by one of the windows, "It's ready to rise, Doctor. The new Time Lord Empire," Some Toclafane spheres float by the window, "It's good, isn't it? Isn't it good? Anything? No? Anything?" He waves his hand in front of the Doctor's face, "Oh, but they broke your hearts, didn't they? Those Toclafane, ever since you worked out what they really are. They say Martha Jones... has come back home. Now why would she do that?"

The Doctor glares at him, "Leave her alone."

"But you said something to her, didn't you? On the day I took control. What did you tell her?"

"I have one thing to say to you. You know what it is."

"Oh, no you don't!" The Master gets up and pushes the Doctor away until he hits a wall.

The Valiant's PA system speaks, "Valiant, now entering Zone One airspace. Citizens rejoice."

It's been a full year since Martha fled from the Valiant and the Master has almost complete control.

The Joneses are still serving him, Jack is still locked up and fed daily by Tish and Starla is six months pregnant with The Master's plan.

The Master claps hands, "Come on, people! What are we doing? Launch Day in 24 hours!"

The Doctor presses three fingers against his thigh. Francine walks by and out into a corridor past Clive. She holds up three fingers and keeps walking. When Tish passes Clive, he signals her with three fingers.

Tish approaches a gated area and a guard lets her in. Jack greets her cheerfully, "Morning, Tish," His wrists are manacled, arms outstretched, the chains attached to the wall on either side, "Ah, smell that sea air. Makes me long for good old British fish and chips," He laughs, "Yeah. What do I get? Cold-mashed Swede. Some hotel. Last time I book over the Internet."

Tish feeds him a spoonful and holds three fingers against the tray where he can see it. Jack winks.


A clock on the bridge reads 14:58. The Doctor looks over at Francine and Tish. Clive and Jack can both see the time. Jack begins to pull on his chains. The Master walks into the conference room, after visiting Starla, followed by Lucy.

"Time for my massage. Who shall I have today? Tanya. Come on, sweetheart. Lucy, have you met Tanya? She's gorgeous," He takes off his jacket and throws it onto the table, "Tanya, when we get to the stars, I'm gonna take you to Catrigan Nova. Whirlpools of gold."

The bolts holding Jack's chains are slowly coming free of the wall.

The Master sits down, "You two should get to know each other. That might be fun."

Tanya begins to massage his shoulders. Jack groans as he pulls the chains free. He then pulls out a steam hose and turns it on his guard. At the same time, Clive throws water on some exposed wiring, starting a fire.

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