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"Starla! Come and look at this," Mavis shouts up the stairs to her granddaughter.

Coming down while braiding her hair, Starla sits on the sofa in front of the TV to watch the news report, "There's speculation that the incidents may be linked. Initial reports suggest terrorist involvement, but this morning some intelligence experts have claimed the incidents may be a stunt. The first sightings were of UFOs over the Taj Mahal in India..."

The news station shows footage of UFOs before moving to a London location where civil war soldiers fire their muskets at armed police officers, "...they came in just after midnight. In London this morning there were reports of men in historic dress firing upon police. Some religious groups are proclaiming a vindication of their teachings. Judgement day is finally here. This could be the End of Days."

"Is this to do with Owen bringing you back yesterday?" Starla tells her Grandma everything that happens with Torchwood, she trusts her not to say anything and she does it to keep her Grandma safe.

"I think so, I need to go. If you need anything message me and I'll get it for you don't go out by yourself until I ring you to say when it's safe to, who knows what will come through the rift next. See you later Gran," She kisses Mavis' cheek and heads out.

When she enters the hub, Ianto is reading from the bible, "...and I heard but did not understand, and I said 'Master what is the end of all these things?' and he said 'go, Daniel, for the things are closed up and sealed until the end of time'. Daniel twelve, verse ten."

"I never expected to walk into the hub and find you reading the bible," Starla laughs removing her coat and putting it on the coat stand with her dad's, "Have you finished?"

"No, plenty more where that came from."

Jack sits in his office with Tosh looking at a laptop thinking, as Ianto starts reading another end-of-the-world story, "Abaddon, the Great Devourer, will lead the world into shadow."

He gets up and walks into the main hub, "Yeah, thanks, Ianto. I can do without superstition. You people love any story that denies the randomness of existence. Okay, I've been fielding calls all night, the government, UNIT, the CIA. Half the Western world and a good proportion of the Eastern are all asking the same question: is this anything to do with us?" Jack glances at Ianto who looks away, knowing it is and thinking it's as much his fault as Owen's because he didn't stop him.

"Is it?" Starla asks though she knows the answer already.

"I've run a profile on every reported temporal anomaly and tracked any physical temporal pattern," Tosh uses her palm pilot and a global map appears on the monitor. Red lines clearly extend from Cardiff.

"Shit!" Gwen mutters.

"The cracks in time trackback here to the rift: this city, this hub, is the centre. What you're seeing around the world are ripples and aftershocks. The rift is splintering because of you," Jack looks directly at Owen who looks up defiantly.


"You opened the rift without knowing what you were doing. You've caused the temporal cracks to widen, time is seeping through."

"If it wasn't for me you'd still be in the 1940s. So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we going to do something about it?"

Jack is silent for a moment creating a plan, "Bring those who've fallen through time back here, into the vaults."

"And do what with them?" Owen pushes back.

"We'll deal with phase one first, then I'll tell you about phase two."

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