Good to be Home

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Reaching the invisible lift, Jack and Starla descend into the hub finding no one there but it's good to be home, "How long have we been gone to them?" She asks.

Helping Starla to the sofa, Jack checks Tosh's station getting an idea of where the team is, "It's the end of February so about three months, we missed Christmas. Looks like they're chasing a blowfish."

Starla laughs, "You'd think they'd have learnt after their last visit."

"Looks like he's alone..." He looks between the SUV tracking point on the screen and his daughter torn between going after them and staying to make sure she is safe.

She reads the look and understands, "I'll be fine here alone if you want to catch up with them. I reckon some sleep will help me heal so I'm going to take a nap."

"You sure?" He double checks he has the right location.

"Yep go," She smiles, removing her coat and shoes before lying down and resting her hand on the arm of the sofa. Jack drapes a blanket over her before leaving.

She was out like a light until she heard the sounds of the cog door opening, all of them coming in with Jack following at the back.

After a few moments, it's clear that Gwen's been in charge during Jack and Starla's absence, "Are you sure no more like him came through?" She checks with Tosh once she's at her workstation.

"Cross-referencing with the rift activity monitor doesn't look like it," Jack stands on the side and watches the interchange. Everyone pretty much ignores Jack and Starla for the moment.

"The car's been impounded," Ianto reports to Gwen, "I'll get it back to the owner in the morning."

Gwen nods turning to Owen, "How are you doing, alright?"

Owen hands her a file on his way to Tosh then hands her a drive, "Bio-profile's on-screen now. Nothing in his genetic make-up likely to contaminate the city."

"Okay, Tosh. Can you add that to the species database? Ianto?"


"Sorry. Um, can you deal with the body when it's cold?"

"My pleasure... unless you mean making sushi."

"No, the morgue will do fine," Gwen laughs, "Thank you."

"Got pretty organized without me," Jack smiles.

Gwen continues working on a computer and not looking at him, she is seething, "Yeah, well we had to."

Jack looks around, "Hey, did you decorate in here?"

Gwen violently pushes him backwards. He hits the door frame, "You left us, Jack!"

Everyone is quiet and watching, Jack sighs, "I know. I'm sorry."

"We knew nothing."

"Where were you?" Tosh asks them both.

"We found our doctor."

"Did he fix you?" Owen questions.

"What's to fix? You don't mess with this level of perfection."

"Are you going back to him?" Ianto asks.

"No," Starla assures them standing and receiving a hug from Tosh and Gwen, "You're stuck with us but we should tell them everything, Dad."

Jack shrugs, "Go on then."

Before she can the computer beeps. Tosh turns and recognizes it, "Rift activity."

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