Sarah Jane's Wedding

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Sorry there was no chapter on Friday, I've had a few bad mental health days and didn't feel up to doing anything, I'm okay now though and feeling better.

March 2009

Dressed smartly, Sarah Jane adjusts her hair in the mirror on one side of the attic while Luke and Starla are sitting at her desk doing their homework, not paying her much attention.

Smiling in approval, she grabs her bag off the side and walks over to the pair, "See you later, then."

"Yep see you, mum."

"Have a good evening Sarah Jane," Starla smiles briefly looking up from her workbook.

"You too, bye K9," She taps his nose.

"Enjoy your evening mistress."

She leaves and the moment the door is closed Luke stands, "Mr Smith I need you quickly and quietly."

Mr Smith opens without his usual fanfare as Starla pulls her phone from her pocket ringing Rani, "She's off again."

Outside as Sarah Jane drives away, Clyde and Rani come out of hiding, "Right. We're coming over," She hangs up.

"What is she up to?" Clyde frowns watching Sarah's car momentarily then runs after Rani and straight up to the attic.

"How can I help Luke?" Mr Smith waits for instruction.

"Activate tracking device, Mr Smith," Luke instructs and he pulls up Sarah's car tracker on the screen, "Aerial satellite scan."

Rani enters the attic first, "So what was her story this time?" Clyde was just behind her.

"She said she's going to a meeting at the town hall," Starla informs them, "About a motorway extension."

"Mistress's exact words were," K9 speaks up, "You never know, there could be a story in it."

"Her excuses are getting lamer and lamer," Clyde shakes his head.

"Affirmative, veracity level 12%," K9 confirms.

"Why is she lying to us?" He moves to kneel beside K9.

"She's heading into town," Rani moves closer to Mr Smith watching the screen.

"Query," Mr Smith interrupts, "Am I to understand you are using my tracking system to spy on Sarah Jane?"

"It's the fifth time in a month," Starla argues, it's not like Sarah Jane, "We've got to find out what she's doing."

"She goes off on her own all mysterious, what if she gets into trouble," Clyde reasons.

Mr Smith still doesn't like it, "This is highly irregular behaviour."

"Do not exceed your function, Mr Smith," K9 tells him off, "Your opinion has not been asked for."

"She's stopped," Luke speaks keeping quiet until that point genuinely worried for his mum, "Nowhere near the town hall."

"She was lying, knew it."

"Scan for alien activity in that area K9," Clyde asks him.

K9's antenna extends as he scans, "Negative for alien activity Master Clyde."

"I am perfectly able to complete that function, Clyde. There's no need to consult the dog."

"Don't get jealous Mr Smith," Starla smirks then looks to Luke, "So what now? Shall we follow her down there?"

Luke nods and hurries to his jacket on the back of the chair, "Come on, the next bus is in two minutes." They swiftly follow him, Clyde telling K9 and Mr Smith to play nicely.

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