Mother Love

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"You got everything, Star?" Mavis asks her granddaughter as she puts her coat on.

"Yep," She turns to hug her grandma, "I'll text you when I get to the train station and when I get back to London."

"You sure you don't want a lift to the station? It might be easier with your bags."

With her backpack on her back, Starla grabs her overnight bag sitting it on top of her suitcase, pulling the handle up through the overnight bag handles so it's looped through, "No, I'll be okay my..." She was about to say her dad is giving her a lift to the station.

Jack is waiting at the end of the street to give her a lift, "I've got one ride left on my bus ticket for the week. No point in wasting it."

"Okay. I'll see you again soon," Mavis pulls her into a hug, "Have a safe journey home."

"Love you, Gran, bye," She walks out the door heading to the end of the street. Turning the corner she spots a black SUV parked with Torchwood written on the side.

She walks towards it, opens the back door to put her bag in and then climbs in the front passenger side with a scoff, "What?" Jack frowns at her scoff.

"It's not exactly subtle. You know the big letters on the side that say Torchwood, it'd be a shit car for undercover work."

"Oh! Language," He reprimands, "I knew leaving you with Owen yesterday afternoon was a bad idea."

"Sorry," She mutters but doesn't miss his smirk, he still found it funny.

The journey to the station is quiet, "How do I bring this up with Mum?" She asks as they near the station, "Hi mum, Cardiff was ace. I did some sightseeing, helped Gran around the house and oh yeah I spent the last three days with my dad getting to know him after spending a prior three days walking about Cardiff Bay trying to find where he works."

Laughing he rolls his eyes, "I don't believe that's the best way. No, take this," He pulls an envelope out of his cost pocket, "Give it to your mum and once she read it, she'll probably come to talk to you and then ring me. We'll figure it out from there."

She puts it in the top of her backpack and hops out of the car when they get there. She grabs her suitcase, Jack takes her overnight bag and he walks with her to the platform, something that makes her smile. It shows he cares enough to make sure she gets on her train safely.

As the train pulls into the station she takes her overnight bag from her dad, "Thank you for the lift."

Jack smiles, "I believe it is normal for parents to taxi their kids everywhere."

Doing something she hasn't dared to do yet, she hugs him around the waist. He crouches to hug her back properly, "I put my number in your phone, message me when you get home so I know you're safe."

Nodding she pulls back, "I will. Thanks, Dad."

He gasps under his breath, "I thought you said dad had to be earned," She's been calling him Jack until now.

"You have," She tosses over her shoulder before getting on the train.

He beams and gives her a small wave when the train pulls away.


Starla fell asleep for most of the train journey but her mum is waiting for her on the platform when the train arrives just before lunchtime, "Hey," Eliza smiles pulling her daughter in for a hug, "I missed you."

"Missed you too."

"How was Cardiff?" She takes Starla's suitcase leading her to the car.

"It was fun, it was nice to see Gran I think she gets a little lonely now she's there on her own."

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