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Jack dropped Starla at the station the next morning as planned, Eliza picked her daughter up and she told her mum everything on the drive home.

But when they got home Starla went straight to her room and that is where she stayed until dinnertime that Sunday evening. Maria and Luke had come for a catch-up but they barely got anything from her, even Sarah Jane popped over after Luke told her about the emotional turmoil Starla seems to be going through.

"Did she say much?" Eliza asks Sarah Jane when she comes down from trying to talk to her.

"I couldn't get much other than an explanation of what happened," Sarah can't blame the girl. Seeing aliens and creatures killing people is one thing but for human beings, her own kind, to do what that village had been doing for decades is sickening to the stomach.

"What can I do? Do I leave her to get it out of her system or..."

"You're more experienced as a parent than me but maybe find something to distract her. Not Torchwood, not us, not school just something entirely different."

Eliza thinks about her words and has an idea, "Maybe she could do some volunteer work at the hospital." She spoke the idea to Starla and surprisingly she agreed to it.

The next morning she drops her daughter outside the Royal Hope Hospital, "You not working today?" Starla asks her when she doesn't get out of the car.

"I am but I have a meeting across town so I'll take you in to find Clare who is part of the catering team and then I have to shoot off."

Once they find Clare, Starla is put straight to work going around taking food for patients. She honestly doesn't mind it, it's a change of pace from school, Torchwood and just her normal life. It brightens her to give people a sunny smile and warm conversation to cheer them up if she can.In one of the wards on the second to the top floor, she comes to a man look in his mid-thirties, with spiky brown hair, "Tea, Mr...?"

"Smith," He grins at her, "Oh yes please...?"

"Starla," She returns the smile making the tea how he likes it.

"Starla?" He repeats looking her over, "Good name. You look familiar but I know we haven't met."

"My mum chose my name I think. And no, we haven't met," She puts her hand on the metal of the bad a receives an electric shock, "Ow... I've been told I look like my dad though maybe you've bumped into him before."

"A form of static electricity being up from the oncoming storm," He frowns, "What's your last name?"

Before she can answer a huge crash of thunder and lightning sounds together and the whole building shakes and rattles like an earthquake.

She is knocked to the floor as other things fall around the ward until it stops, "Are you alright?" Mr Smith comes over to help her up.

"Yeah. What the hell was that?" She looks towards the window again surprised to see it dark outside. On closer inspection, however, it's not nighttime at all, "We're on the moon."

A female doctor comes into the room followed by a colleague, "All right, everyone back to bed, we've got an emergency but we'll sort it out."

She goes to the window, "It's real. It's really real. Hold on!"

She reaches for the window latch but her colleague stops her, "Don't! We'll lose all the air!"

"But they're not exactly airtight. If the air was going to get sucked out it would have happened straight away, but it didn't. So how come?"

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