The Master

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The quiet of an alleyway is disturbed as the time vortex opens and the Doctor, Martha, Jack and Starla appear. The Doctor groaned, "Time travel without a capsule. That's a killer."

Jack cracks his neck before they leave the alley, "Still, at least we made it. Earth, the 21st century by the looks of it. Talk about lucky." They walk along a main street taking in their surroundings.

"That wasn't luck, that was me," Back on Malcassairo, the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver on Jack's vortex manipulator as they tried to keep the Futurekind out.

"The moral is if you're gonna get stuck at the end of the universe, get stuck with an ex-Time Agent and his vortex manipulator."

"But this Master bloke, he's got the TARDIS," Martha points out as they find a seated area and come up with a plan, "He could be anywhere in time and space."

"No, he's here. Trust me," The doctor looks around and sees Saxon campaign posters plastered everywhere.

"Who is he, anyway? And that voice at the end, that wasn't the professor," Starla has heard that voice before she just can't place it.

"If the Master's a Time Lord, he must have regenerated," Jack explains.

"What does that mean?" She frowns at her dad.

"Means he's changed his face, voice, body, everything. A new man."

The Doctor notices a homeless man tapping a repeating rhythm on an enamel mug.

"Then how are we gonna find him?" Martha queries.

"I'll know him," The Doctor looks away from the man, "The moment I see him. Time Lords always do."

"But hold on," Martha notices posters, "If he could be anyone... We missed the election. But it can't be..."

The Doctor stands slowly, as does Jack. They walk towards a giant screen showing the news. Martha and Starla follow.

"Mr Saxon has returned from the Palace and is greeting the crowd inside Saxon Headquarters," The screen shows Saxon walking downstairs with an entourage and a pretty blonde at his side. "I said I knew that voice," Starla realises, "When he spoke inside the TARDIS. I've heard that voice hundreds of times. I've seen him. We both have," She gestures to her and Martha, "That was the voice of Harold Saxon."

"That's him. He's Prime Minister. The Master is Prime Minister of Great Britain," Saxon kisses the blonde woman at his side, "The Master and his wife," The Doctor raises his eyebrow.

Saxon steps forward to speak to the press, "This country has been sick. This country needs healing. This country needs medicine. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that, what this country really needs, right now... is a doctor."

Martha takes the Doctor, Starla and Jack to her flat, "Home," She sighs with relief, glad to be home.

"What have you got? Computer, laptop, anything?" The Doctor throws his coat off Jack tries to make a call on his mobile, "Jack, who are you phoning? You can't tell anyone, we're here!"

"Just the team but there's no reply..."

Martha hands the Doctor her laptop, "Here you go. Any good?"

Starla takes the laptop, "I can show you the Saxon websites. He's been around for ages," and sits at the desk.

"That's so weird though. It's the day after the election. That's only four days after I met you."

"We went flying all around the universe while he was here the whole time."

"You gonna tell us who he is?"

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