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Getting back to work after losing Owen and Tosh had been hard on the Torchwood team but they settled into a new normal with Starla coming and going from Cardiff every other weekend as normal.

Starla was thankful to go back to school, being with her friends helped her heal and they had plenty of alien distractions of their own.

Now back in Cardiff for the October half term, she hugs Ianto and Gwen a little tighter seeing them that first morning back after two weeks away.

She's sat in Jack's office catching up on what she got up to in London when the room starts to shake, "What happening?" She frowns.

Jack stands moving around his desk and she gets up to follow as a huge crash violently shakes the entire base knocking them to the floor. Papers, items and even a metal shelving unit fall to the ground though Jack catches it in time to land on his shoulder and not crush Starla, who was directly under it.

Once everything stops shaking Jack pushes it to the side, "You okay?" He checks on her and she nods before racing to the main area, "What happened? Was it the rift? Gwen, Ianto, are you alright?"

"No broken bones," Ianto assesses himself, "Slight loss of dignity. No change there then."

"Felt like an Earthquake," Starla brushes the dust and dirt off him.

"The whole city must've felt that..." Gwen stands moving to her workstation, "The whole of South Wales!"

"I'm gonna take a look outside," Jack runs out with Starla on his heels while Ianto joins Gwen at the computer.

Ianto pushes some keys, "Little bit bigger than South Wales..." He mutters.

Jack comes to a stop as they exit the base, Starla almost bumps into him but they both look up at the sky in horror, "That's impossible..." Jack gasps.

The sky is dark and filled with planets, impossibly near to the Earth.

"Get back inside," Jack gently pushes her to the door and they race back down to the main hub.

Jack and Ianto get to work, while Gwen rings Rhys and Starla rings her Gran and then Luke, "Are you alright?" She asks the moment he answers to worried to bother with hello.

"We're fine," He huffs a laugh finding her worried tone sweet, "Rani's on holiday with her family in Cornwall they're safe and Clyde's fine, he's with his mum. Are you okay? What do you think happened?"

"We're okay but we have no idea, Dad's never seen anything like it..."

"Gwen, Starla come see!" Jack shouts at them.

"Gotta go I'll speak to you in a bit, I promise. Love you," She hangs up and joins them.

"Someone's established an artificial atmospheric shell," Jack informs them, "Keeping the air and holding in the heat."

"Whoever's done this, wants the human race alive. That's a plus," Ianto keeps a little positivity alive.

"27 planets, including the Earth," Starla mutters. On the monitor, they can see the all planets, and then a big, blinking, red dot appears in the middle.

"No, but what's that?" Gwen points to it, "That's not a planet..."

"Wait," Starla gasps now seeing many small red dots on the screen, "Spaceships?" She looks back to her dad who looks just as concerned and worried.

"3,000 miles and closing... But who are they?!" Gwen looks at Jack too.

Before he can answer Jack's mobile rings, "Martha Jones! Voice of a nightingale! Tell me you put something in my drink."

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