The 456

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There is a very small amount of homophobic language in this chapter. I support the LGBTQIA+ community, love who you want to love and be who you want to be, the comment is just what was said in the episode.

Knocking on the front door disturbs Sarah Jane and Luke from a quiet afternoon, Luke swings the door open not at all expecting Starla.

After nearly two days on the run, little sleep and barely having a moment to let her guard down, tears well up and she collapses in his arms.

Pulling her inside, Luke pushes the door closed and wraps his arms around her, kissing the side of her head and letting her cry, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," She sobs.

"Starla?" Sarah Jane comes out of the living room hearing her voice and wraps her in a hug, "Oh we've been so worried about you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah just tired and I feel like I stink, I've been in these clothes for two days."

"Go and have a shower, I'll wash the clothes your wearing."

Starla nodded and headed up to what was her room. After a shower and changing into some fresh pyjamas, Sarah Jane comes in with a sandwich and Luke behind her, "Hungry?"

"A little," Starla sits on the bed Luke beside her and Sarah Jane sits opposite, "Gwen, Rhys and I managed to get some food at a cafe earlier."

"What about Ianto and Jack?" Luke asks.

"I don't know about Ianto but Gwen and Rhys have gone to break Dad out, he's being held at a military compound. That explosion at the hub in Cardiff, the bomb was inside Dad. It's all the government, they're trying to kill us."

Sarah Jane sighs, "You're in some real trouble then?"

She nods taking a bite of the sandwich, "Gwen and Rhys are using a cover story to get into the compound at 5:30pm, I knew it would look suspicious if I went with so I figured I'd come here, assure you that I'm still alive. I also need to get some bits before I meet up with them."

She goes to stand but Sarah Jane stops her, "Tell me what you need I'll get what I can before the morning. You can stay here tonight."

"Thank you," Starla sinks into the bed giving Sarah Jane a list of what she needs then they leave her to get some sleep.

By the time she came to leave the next morning, Sarah Jane managed to get everything she needed, "You want me to drop you somewhere?"

"No, I don't want them to track you and think you're involved that's why I came to you instead of getting you to come to me," She gives both of them a hug, "Love you both," She throws over her shoulder as she heads off.


Using the directions Mr Smith gave her, Starla finds the warehouse with no trouble. She hears talking that immediately stops as she enters.

She walks around the break in the wall into a smaller area that has been set up as a base, "It's just me."

"Oh thank god," Gwen runs over to her hugging her, "I feared they'd arrested you."

"No, I stayed at Sarah Jane's for the night. I tell you a shower has never felt so good."

"So would shopping it'd seem," Ianto points to the bags she holding.

"Not my work but Sarah Jane's. Figured a few essentials wouldn't go amiss. Can't offer you a shower but I got food, coffee, toilet paper and lastly, I'm hoping I remembered your sizes correctly, Ianto," She hands him a suit bag, "Gwen, Rhys," She throws them both a bag with clothes in.

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