The Year That Never Was

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This chapter is set between Doctor Who Series 3 Episode 12 (The Sound of Drums) and Series 3 Episode 13 (The Last Time Lord) and will be quite dark.

Martha's family, Jack and Starla are dragged from the conference room by The Master's guards. The Joneses' are taken to the "staff quarters" while Jack and Starla are dragged to a cage-like cell area.

They're chained to the cell railings on opposite sides by their feet, hands cuffed in front of them.

The guards leave them only one remains guarding them, rifle gun in hand and facing away from them, "You alright?" Jack asks her.

Starla nods, "Are you? You're the one that was killed." She's grateful to be with her dad at least.

"You know me, fit as a fiddle in no time," He groans sitting up against the bars.

"What happens now?"

"I don't know," He's never seen The Doctor give up the way he did on the bridge, "The Master has complete control, I..." He sees a lost look in his daughter's eyes and changes the subject, "I'm sorry about your mum, Star. We had our differences but I cared for your mum, she gave me you, she was kind and caring but she had a feisty side too, she knew how to put me in my place and that's what made me like her so much."

"I suppose I should be glad that he didn't bring her on board the Valiant as he has to Martha's parents and sister. I just wish she hadn't been alone, she's helped so many people in her life, she didn't deserve to die like that. Do you think the team and Sarah Jane will be okay?"

"I..." He can't answer that because truly doesn't know what life will be like going forward or if life will ever be normal again.

Footsteps come towards them as two guards approach, they open the gate and immediately one of them stands pointing a gun at Jack and ordering the other to take Starla.

The other pulls Starla up undoing the chains on her feet, "No!" Starla struggles against them, "Where are you taking me?"

"The Master has ordered us to take you to him," They oblige her by answering the question.

"Let her go," Jack lunges at the guard on him, "Leave her alone," The guard hits him with the butt of his gun, knocking him to the floor. Dazed he can only listen to her shouts for him as she gets dragged away.

"What does the Master want with me?" Starla tries to get more answers from the guards but they pass the conference room coming to the sleeping quarters of the ship.

She is pulled past The Master's sleeping quarters and thrown into the quarters opposite, the door shut and locked behind her, leaving her alone for a moment before The Master enters the room looking less formal, his tie and suit jacket removed, "Starla May-Harkness," He grins locking the door once more.

"Whatever you want from me you won't get it, not after you killed my mum," She glares at him.

He chuckles, "It's funny you think you have a choice but we'll get to business in a moment. I am sorry about your mum, she was truly a lovely woman and an excellent nurse. You see I met your mother when she treated Lucy for a sprained wrist at the Royal Hope Hospital. She mentioned you, how proud she was of you."

She sits heavy on the bed in the room, "So why'd you kill her?"

"She wasn't part of the original plan but I needed to wound Jack, to weaken him, since I couldn't do so physically it had to be mentally. I knew if I hurt you that would do it but then there's the catch, you're immortal too so your mum had to be the target. Now, business," He starts unbuttoning his shirt and kicks off his shoes.

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