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Hoping this chapter isn't too boring but it's been a minute since I did a father-daughter bonding chapter between Jack and Starla.

It's not till the early hours of the morning that Starla wakes. Jack and Owen have fallen asleep around the room, but to her horror, she can't feel her arms and legs.

She starts to panic when she can't speak either, it shows on the heart monitor as her heart rate alerts the two to her being awake.

Jack stands shaking Owen's shoulder, "Starla, look at me," He gains her eye contact but nothing more, "Can you say anything?" She shakes her head, with a grunt of frustration, "What's going on Owen?"

"Star, you need to relax, sweetheart," Owen stands over her so she can see him, "She was shot through the brain, that's got to have some effect on her functions until she's fully healed."

Once she's a bit calmer he does a full assessment, "Okay. Can you hear me?" She nods, "Good. Can you speak?" She shakes her head, "Any feeling in your arms or legs?" She shakes her head again.

"Okay," Taking a small needle he gets her some instructions, "I'm going to test where the lost of feeling goes to so as I poke you let me know when you start feeling it."

He does as he said pausing with each poke to get her response, "As I thought you currently have a lost basic motor functions. Given your track record of healing, you'll be back to normal in no time but for the next few hours, we'll make sure you have someone at your beck and call until you can function on your own again. Okay?" She nods understanding him.

Knowing she'd feel a bit more comfortable, Jack moves her to the sofa so she can get some more sleep. After sending Owen, home Jack retires to his room which Starla knows is under Jack's office. However, an hour or so later he hears a small smash coming from the main hub and is up like a shot.

A few minutes prior Starla woke with the desperate urge to pee but there is a big problem, she can't shout for her dad or get up to go since the feeling in her legs hasn't returned yet.

She does have feeling in her arms again so with no other way, she rolls off the sofa with a thud winding herself momentarily.

Rolling onto her front she hits the coffee table in the process causing a glass to fall off and smash on the floor.

Using her arms to drag herself across the floor she doesn't feel the broken glass cutting into her left leg and foot as she tried to go around it.

As she gets to the stairs, she looks up realising that she has two sets of stairs to get up and she still hasn't figured out how she's going to pull herself up onto the toilet when she does get there. She growls in frustration hitting the floor with her fist.

"Starla?" Jack enters the main hub seeing the glass on the floor and a trail of blood leading away from it. He's quick to spot her by the stairs and rushes over to her, "What happened?" He rolls her over and holds her, "Are you alright? Was someone in here?"

She shakes her head and then urgently pats her lower abdomen trying to communicate that she needs the bathroom, he just frowns not getting it, "What?"

Tears start falling from her eyes as she realises its too late and she frustratedly hits his chest, it's not his fault, she just hates being helpless, "Hey," He grabs her fist as she hits him again and looks her dead in the eyes, "Use your eyes and hands to try and tells me."

She does direction her eyes downwards and her hands. It only takes him a moment to figure it out this time seeing the wet patch on the nightshirt she's wearing.

"Oh I'm sorry Star," He leans down to kiss her forehead not missing how bright red her face is when he pulls back, "Don't your dare be embarrassed. You tried to tell me so it's on me not you. Do you still need to go?"

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