The Truth

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"You know Mum is going to fly off the handle right?" Starla warns her dad in the car from Cardiff to Ealing.

"She has every right to Star," Her being immortal puts a different light on things but he still put her in danger, "I let you into the world of Torchwood knowing that you could get hurt and it could have killed you. Just because you are immortal doesn't mean you are expendable, I'm not going to put your life at risk for no reason. I don't want to run the risk of finding out you're not immortal but have extra lives instead."

"You're not going to stop me seeing you, I won't have it. I know I'm still just a child but I could never go back to a life without Torchwood even if you wanted me to. Before all this, I was one of the popular kids at school and I hated having to be up to date with every latest fashion trend, make-up brands and coolest tech. My grades were average, I had no real friends and family wise I had mum, Gran and an aunt that I never see. Now I have meaning to my life, I have good honest friends and a big family that I can make memories and laugh with but I can also turn to if I need them. My grades are up and I'm happy, I have seen things that no one else has."

"What if I did stop you from seeing me?" He doesn't want to especially given everything she's just said but it would be safer for her.

"It would be your choice but I'd hate it and I'd fight it. I'd still have Sarah Jane and the gang of course but I'd never be able to visit my Gran without coming to see you. And if I am immortal like you then as time goes on it will be me and you together. I know it will mean losing loved ones both younger and older than me, but I feel better knowing that you're not going through all that alone anymore."

He can't argue with that, he's lost many people in his long life and to know she is with him for the foreseeable future is comforts to him.

After stopping for some lunch they pull her outside Starla's home, "Mum isn't home until 5pm," She notes her car missing. She lets them both into the house and takes her bags up to her bedroom.

Glancing out her bedroom window, she can see that Sarah Jane's car is on her drive, she texts Maria and Clyde telling them to meet her at Sarah Jane's.

"Want to go visit the neighbours?" Starla skips down the stairs and into the living room where Jack is staring out of the window.

Jack smirks, "You read my mind."

Starla pulls out her key as they near the door, "You have a key?" He raises an eyebrow at her.

"She give it to me in case I needed help and mum isn't home I can come over or if I just want company. But I never come over unless I know she's in or it's an emergency."

"I like her already," Someone looking out for his daughter in London that knows about alien life.

She takes him straight up to the attic, going in first telling her dad to wait by the door for a moment, "Starla," Sarah Jane greets her with a hug, "Maria and Clyde said you asked them to meet you here. What's going on?"

"I hope you don't mind but Dad was eager to meet you all," She waves her dad in, "Dad, this is Clyde Langer, Maria Jackson, Luke Smith and Sarah Jane Smith. Guys, this is my dad, Captain Jack Harkness."

"Whoa," Clyde gasps, "You're the immortal man?"

"Certainly am," Jack confirms then turns the Sarah Jane saluting her, "Pleasure to meet you ma'am. I've been following your work, nice work with the Slitheen. I hope you don't mind me turning up like this but curiosity has got the better of me, especially Star's talk of a supercomputer and a talking dog?"

Sarah Jane chuckles, "Quite alright, Captain. Star warned me you'd want to have a look around the next you come over though not until Christmas time."

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