Owen Harper

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Martha pulls back the sheet covering Owen on the autopsy table. He's naked and cleaned up, ready to be autopsied. Martha adjusts the mic hanging from above, "The time is 21.30. This is Doctor Martha Jones."

Gwen, Tosh, Starla and Ianto are up on the platform around them, "Autopsy on Owen Harper, Caucasian, age 27. Torchwood Officer 565. The time of death was witnessed at approximately 20.30. The autopsy begins."

Martha puts her mask on. She picks up a large knife from the instrument tray and prepares to make the first cut. Ianto closes his eyes. Martha brings the knife down.

Jack runs into the lab, "Stop! Nobody touches him till I get back, is that clear?" He orders and runs out again leaving everyone surprised and Martha still holding the knife.

Nearly an hour later they're all sitting around the sofa and work stations quietly waiting for Jack's return when the cog door opens and he runs back in and into his office holding a metal box.

Jack puts the box down on his desk and opens the box. Starla and the others walk in, "Dad, what have you got?"

He reaches into the box and takes out a glove, similar in looks to the resurrection glove only this one is for the left hand, "Oh, my God," Tosh gasps.

"You can't use it. Not after Suzie," Gwen tries to deter him a little afraid of it.

"I'm using the glove," He states without a doubt in his mind, "I'm bringing Owen back." Jack hurries into the autopsy area with the glove.

"Are you really going to use that after what happened last time?" Gwen tries again, "Jack, the gloves are dangerous. At best it'll give us two minutes. At worst... who knows what will happen?"

"It's not up for discussion," Jack argues pressing buttons on his vortex manipulator.

"I thought the glove didn't work for you."

"Different glove, different circumstances. This time, it has to work for me. I'm not going to give it any choice. Okay, if you've got anything you need to say to Owen, now is your chance." Jack puts the glove on his left hand.

Everyone is quiet as Jack cradles Owen's head in his gloved hand. He closes his eyes and looks up as he concentrates, trying to make that connection. Electricity crackles, "Owen... it's Jack. Can you hear me?"

Jack opens his eyes and looks up, "Owen! Hear my voice!"

Ianto watches the monitor, "I'm not getting any vital signs."

"Owen, it's me, Jack. He's coming!" Loud electrical pulses sound.

Suddenly, Owen's eyes open. He screams, "Aahh! What happened? Where am I? Oh, God, I'm... he shot me!"

"Owen, listen to me, we don't have long," Jack urges.

"Where am I? This isn't the hospital, this is the autopsy room. What am I doing here?" Owen turns and sees the glove, "Jack, oh, no! What's that?"

"The resurrection glove. We lost you, but I brought you back. Okay, team, say your goodbyes."

Owen mumbles something. Jack looks at Gwen but she doesn't say anything Starla can't bring herself to speak either. Ianto keeps time on the stopwatch.

"Guys, no offence, but I've only got two minutes to live!"

Tosh appears next to the table, "I'm gonna miss you," She leans in closer, quieter, "And I love you. I always have."

"Owen, I need the code for the alien morgue. You're the only one who knows it."

"You brought me back for that? For that?!"

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