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This is the outfit I imagine for Starla when she's at Torchwood, her uniform if you will...

This is the outfit I imagine for Starla when she's at Torchwood, her uniform if you will

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"Tosh, could you check this for me?" Starla hands over her Maths homework book.

Tosh checks through the algebra equations she's been set, "Yeah well done, you've got most of them right, but this one," She shows her where she's gone wrong and how to solve the equation properly.

"Great, thanks, Tosh," She puts her books away in her bag and goes in search of her dad, "What are you doing?" She strolls into his office where he is standing with his back to the door.

He turns showing her he's on the phone, "On hold."

She understands to be quiet but she decides to satisfy her want for a hug and wraps her arms around his middle, "You okay?" He mutters into her hair.

She nods against him and he smiles to himself kissing the top of her head, she often seeks him out for random hugs and he's learnt not to question them beyond asking if she's alright and just accepts it.

When he gets through to whoever he's on the phone to she leaves him be. Now bored and not feeling up to her normal pastime of studying aliens, she heads up to the meeting room after eyeing up the basketball hoop above the main entrance and comes back down with a basketball, "Who wants to play?" She asks the team.

"Oh bring it on," Owen smirks and Gwen joins them too. Before long Tosh joins them and after finishing his phone call, Jack does too.

While they're playing Ianto enters standing out of the way until they are finished. Jack, Gwen, Starla and Tosh are laughing, screaming and shouting, Owen is on the balcony with the ball.

"Ok, come on Gwen," Owen plays around with the ball, "Get this Gwen!" Jack picks up Gwen to move her from in front of him.

"Gwen, this is for you, baby," Owen throws the ball down towards them and they all go for it. The pterodactyl flies between them but Jack manages to grab the ball using his height to his advantage.

"Just get it off him. Take it out of his hands!" Gwen hits it out of Jack's hands and throws it to Owen.

"You can't do that," Starla protests.

"Oh come to daddy," Owen looks at the net below him and drops the ball through, "Yeah! Oh, first rounds on you boss."

Jack shrugs, "Of course, that was an illegal move."

"Totally illegal," Tosh backs her boss up.

"Keep telling yourself that, yeah," Owen makes an 'L' sign with his finger and thumb towards Jack and Tosh, walking back towards the lift behind Gwen, "Losers."

Starla makes a 'whatever' sign with her hands and Jack throws the ball to Ianto as they enter the lift, leaving Ianto in the hub. Ianto watches them leave and then runs across the hub.

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