The Doctor's Family

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Just a quick note, two versions of the tenth doctor appear in this chapter The Doctor and the second Doctor created by Donna. They will be referred to as The Doctor and The New Doctor, hope that makes sense.

The Doctor stands in front of the TARDIS console, the regeneration energy bursting out through the sleeves and neck of his suit. After a few seconds, he turns around and directs the energy towards the hand in the jar, making it glow and bubble wildly. The energy fades away and the Doctor leans forward, gasping, but still looking the same, "Now then. Where were we?"

Donna, Starla, Rose and Jack stare at him in disbelief.


Ianto and Gwen shoot at the Dalek, raging but they notice something strange and they cease fire. They walk forward cautiously and see their bullets hang in the air, stopped by an invisible wall.

Gwen reaches out slowly to touch it but her finger makes a ripple in the air, "What the hell...?


The Doctor kneels in front of the hand in the jar, which is still glowing and bubbling, "There now..." He blows onto the jar, the glow fades away and the bubbling stops he sits looking at the four, "You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to, why would I?" He adjusts his tie with a smug expression, "Look at me! So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely, my handy spare hand!"

He stands up and talks to Rose, "Remember, Christmas Day, Sycorax, lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand. What do you think?"

Rose slowly walks forward, "You're still you?"

"I'm still me," He nods and after all that time, they finally hug each other. Jack, Starla and Donna smile happy for them.


Gwen and Ianto work on the computer trying to find out what stopped the bullets and the Dalek, "It's a Time Lock!" Ianto informs her, "The ultimate defence programme. Tosh was working on it, never thought she finished it, but she did! The Hub's sealed in a time bubble, nothing can get in."

"But that means we can't get out."

"Nope. Not without unlocking that Dalek. We're trapped inside. It's all up to Jack and Starla now."


"So you're the infamous Rose Taylor?" Starla smiles when the Doctor and Rose pull apart from their hug, "These two certainly sing your praises," She gestures to her dad and the Doctor, "But it's nice to finally put a name to a face."

"I hope I can live up to the stories," Rose laughs, "But your Jack's daughter?"

"Indeed she is," Jack puts a hand on Starla's shoulder proudly, "Though she shouldn't be here, I told her to stay at the Torchwood hub."

"Oh come on Jack, you have to lead by example," The Doctor smirks, "And I know you certainly don't stay put when told."

"How old are you?" Donna asks her.


"And you're used to all this, you don't get frightened."

"Sometimes I do but it just reminds me that I'm human. And yes I'm used to this, when I'm not in Cardiff with Dad working for Torchwood, I'm living with Sarah Jane until I finish school but helping defend the world with our mini team."

"Believe me, Donna, Starla is just as capable as the rest of us. She's been through a lot," The Doctor sadly thinks back to what happened with the Master and her mum, "But she comes back fighting fit every time."

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