Exit Wounds

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Outside the exploded building after the hologram of John Hart the team, plus Rhys, head for Rhys' car. Tosh is supported by Owen, "Bastard John's taken our SUV."

Ianto looks a Tosh's handheld monitor, "Looks like he's driven it back to Torchwood."

"I'm getting readings of rift activity all over the city," Tosh informs them, "Major rift flares at St Helen's Hospital, the Police Headquarters and the Central IT Server Station."

Gwen's phone rings, she gets it out and checks the name before answering, the rest of them listening to her side of the conversation, "Hey, Andy?"

There's a pause as she listens, "Okay I'm on my way, alright?" She ends the call, "This is him, isn't it? This Captain John, or whatever he likes to call himself."

Jack nods, "Rhys, drop Owen at the hospital. Tosh, Starla and Ianto cover the central server building. Gwen, the police station. Then take me to Torchwood."

"You think we're all gonna fit in here?" Rhys protests.

"We're gonna have to."

"Jack, these are traps," Tosh warns him.

"So be careful. You know what he's capable of."


Tosh enters a room with stacks of computer systems and normal office lighting followed by Ianto and Starla, "This building houses servers for the military, police, NHS, and even looks after the server systems for the nuclear station at Turnmill."

"What problem did they report?" Ianto queries as there are no signs of activity.

"Ghosts in these server stacks."

"How's the arm?" Starla asks her checking the far side of the room.

"Owen gave me industrial strength painkillers, seems to be doing the trick," Tosh turns noticing a presence behind her, "Ianto! Star!"

They join in the middle of the room. There are three men in monks' robes carrying scythes, "What are they?" Starla whispers.

The three men speak in unison, "Devils! Blasphemers! Pray to your heathen God. While in the Lord's name, we cast you out!"

Tosh, Starla and Ianto look at each other then back at the advancing reapers, pull out their guns and fire one each, "There we are then."

"Sorted," Tosh nods and gets to work.

After around ten minutes of working, Captain John's voice comes over their comms pieces, "Attention... Torchwood employees! Evening all! Now, stop what you're doing."

"Dad?" Starla immediately stops as do the others, "What's going on, are you okay?"

"Sorry pint size, Daddy Harkness can't come to the comms right now. But if you leave a message, I'll be sure and pass it along."

"What have you done to him?" Gwen demands.

"No, no, wrong question. You should be asking, what am I about to do to you?

"Put Jack on right now!" Ianto orders.

"Eye Candy! That was so masterful, so bossy, so powerless. All of you get up to the roofs of your buildings. Quickly now, spit spot."

They abandon what they're doing and do as he says, "Because if you don't, you'll miss all the fun. Hold on a minute, do I mean fun or do I mean carnage? I get them confused. Are you running yet? No dawdling now!"

Getting up to the roof they look out over the darkened city, "Now...Cardiff! Isn't it pretty? Doesn't it twinkle so? Take a good look. Remember this... because it all goes so quickly."

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