On The Run

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As Starla comes to, her hearing is muffled and her bearings off. Standing she tries to gain a sense of where she is and realises she's looking at the remains of the Torchwood hub.

Tears blur her vision as she looks around for signs of the others, she thought she spotted Ianto but the sound of Gwen's muffled screams for help draws her the opposite way.

She runs towards an ambulance on the far side and sees two paramedics pinning Gwen down to a stretcher. While they're distracted, Starla grabs a fire extinguisher that's just inside the door of the ambulance and whacks one over the head knocking him out.

Gwen gains the upper hand on the one still holding her, bites his arm and pushes him off. Starla hits him in the nuts and then the head knocking him out too.

Sighing with relief, Gwen pulls her into a hug, "Oh thank god, I thought you..."

"I'm okay," Starla hugs back shaking slightly, "Are you?"

Gwen nods and pulls back, she turns to the paramedics grabbing their guns, handing one to Starla, "Come on."

She intended for them to go find the others but as they exit Starla spots a red dot on Gwen's jacket and looks for the origin which is a sniper on a roof nearby, "Get down," She pulls Gwen to the floor shooting back at the sniper.

Regaining her bearings Gwen shoots to till they gain cover behind the ambulance, they both get in the front Starla crawling over the to passenger side and Gwen drives off.

Gwen pulls the ambulance up opposite the Millennium Stadium, grabs her gun off Starla and they get out.

While Starla covers her back, Gwen gets to the back door and climbs in talking to the paramedic, "Who do you work for?"

He's silent so she points her gun at his head and asks again, "Who do you work for?"

"The NHS," He tries to be smart.

She fires a warning shot to the side then aims for his eye, all in a single motion, "Who do you work for?! You tried to kill us. Our friends could be dead. So don't think I won't use this."

"Government," He owns up, "I'm working for the government. I just follow orders, that's all."

"We're on the same side," She frowns.

The guy pounces and tries to get her with a syringe but she shoots him in the foot, he cries in pain.

"Why would the government want to destroy Torchwood? Why?"

"I just do as I'm told. I'm just following orders, that's all."

Sirens zoom past outside. Gwen looks at the radio in the ambulance when someone speaks then back at the man, gun pressed between his eyes. Then she turns and backs out of the ambulance, Gwen wipes the blood from her face, "Let's go," They run.

After a quick detour to Starla's Gran's to get her a few things, thankfully Mavis is on holiday aboard with some friends, they burst into Gwen's flat waking Rhys. Gwen gets the light on and moves while snapping orders, "Get up, now! We've got to go!"

"Bloody hell, Gwen."

"Get up, get dressed. We've to get out of here."

"Starla?" He frowns spotting her lingering by the bedroom then turns back to Gwen, "What's going on, man?"

"Listen, someone is trying to kill us. And if they're after me, they're going to come after you. Now get up, and get dressed!"

"What?" Rhys is not swift but trying his best. Gwen packs a backpack grabbing a contact lens case off the bedside table and some other stuff. Rhys still has only his underpants on.

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