We Are Coming

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September 2009

With the end of June came the end of school for Starla, Luke, Clyde and Rani. Along with finishing school came a few decisions does Starla permanently move in with her Gran in Cardiff? And do they become part of Torchwood straight away or wait?

Luke, Clyde and Rani have agreed to start with Torchwood in the new year giving them some time off and time to make sure it's the right decision. Starla has moved in with her Gran for the time being and got straight into work though the four have agreed to find a house to share until they can each afford a place of their own.


Starla walks into the hub that morning starting up the computer at her workstation, Jack gave her Owen's, "Dad?! Ianto?!" She calls out noting silence in the hub. Realising no one is there she gets on with some paperwork, checking the rift for any activity.

At 8:40am while coming back to her desk from making a drink Starla stops and that's how Gwen finds her when she walks in.

"Morning Starla," Gwen removes her bag and jacket starts up her workstation then turns back to her, Starla still hasn't moved.

"You playing along with the rest of the children are you?" She laughs waving a hand in front of Starla's face, "Star?" Leaning in close then Starla blinks.

Coming back to Starla puts a step between them, "What?" She half frowns half laughs.

"You stopped," Gwen tells her.

"No, I didn't," She brushes it off and goes to her chair completely unfazed.

Gwen decides to wait until Jack and Ianto come back before saying anything and searches for children. While getting some cash from the cash machine, Gwen saw two children also stopped like Starla when she came in.

Ianto and Jack walk in cheerful and joking with each other, "Oi, Chuckle Brothers," Gwen calls them over, "I found something."

"Yeah well I want a check on St Helen's Hospital," Jack orders, "Specifically the morgue, Starla?"

"On it," She nods.

"Meanwhile," Jack takes his coat off and hands it to Ianto as Gwen talks, "I've been getting reports this morning of 17 road traffic accidents, happening right across the country, all the way from Glasgow to St Ives.

"Is that above average?" Jack stands behind Gwen.

"Well, they all occurred between 8:40am and 8:41am. 17 road traffic accidents happening in exactly the same minute? And every single one of them involves children."

Ianto at his computer, "That'll be the school run."

"All of them were just standing in the road. Not crossing the road, just standing. I saw it myself, Jack. Two kids on Market Street. Well, they just stopped... and I think it happened to Starla too?"

"What?" Starla immediately stops her work.

"What do you mean it happened to Star too?" Jack frowns more interested now.

"When I came in you were stood still," Gwen informs her, "You didn't move an inch just stopped then after a minute you came back to with no memory of it."

"Same reports from France," Ianto reports, "15 road traffic accidents. All timed around 9:40am. They're an hour ahead, so it was simultaneous."

"All involving children?" Gwen asks.

"Yup," He nods, "Hold on. Still Cross-referencing. Here we go. Reports coming in, RTAs in Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Luxembourg. Germany. India. Egypt. Guyana. Spain. Portugal. Bosnia. Tokyo. Singapore."

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