Sarah Jane Smith

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I'm working with a made-up timeline on this book the only real pinpoint I'm sticking with is Jack going off with the Doctor and Marta at the end of Torchwood series 1.

"Morning!" Starla walks into the hub all chirpy and full of life, "I brought breakfast," She sets a box of morning pastries on the coffee table.

"Are you trying to steal my job?" Ianto teases but takes one anyway.

"No," She smiles innocently, "You make the coffee and sort the food all the time but thought on this occasion I'd bring breakfast."

"Well, I'm not complaining," Owen grins taking something from the box.

Jack chuckles to himself getting up from his desk to get something, "You're very chirpy, does this have to do with last week?"

"What's this?" Tosh asks intrigued, "What happened last week?"

"I had a call on Tuesday saying she had so much to tell me about her weekend and her first few days back at school," He was intrigued to know the story but she refused to give any substance to the subject over the phone.

"Did it have to do with a boy?" Gwen winks teasing.

"I did actually, well partly," She enjoys the look of concern on Jack and Owen's faces, "It's not like that though. I'm guessing you saw all the people last weekend going drink me with a bottle of Bubble Shock in their hand?"

"We tried to get some information on it and get involved," Tosh brings up some CCTV from that day, "But it seemed to be over quickly and Bubble Shock was removed from shelves."

"That would be partly my doing, I can give you a debrief."

Jack's face turns serious and orders them all up to the meeting room. Tosh sets up a voice recorder on the boardroom table, "Start from the beginning," Jack instructs.

"Do you know a woman called Sarah Jane Smith?"

"Yeah," He grins liking the start of this already, "She was the doctor's companion, though I've never met her in person. Why?"

"She said you'd know of her, turns out she's my neighbour."


"More new neighbours," Eliza notes the removal van as they pull in front of their house.

Getting out of the car Starla spots a dark-haired girl around her age getting something from the car, "Hey," She greets trying to be friendly/noisy, "New neighbours?"

"Yeah, I'm Maria," The girl smiles.

"I'm Starla."

"Nice meet the new neighbours," Eliza shakes Maria's dad's hand when he comes out to get a book from the van, "I'm Eliza May, it's just me and my daughter."

"I'm Alan Jackson," He introduces himself, "It's just me and Maria as well."

Starla shares a smirk with Maria leaving the adults to their conversion, "Will you be going to Park Vale High?"

"Yes, I start on Monday. My parents split so..."

"Sorry," Starla rubs her shoulder, "My parents aren't together either if that help. My dad lives in Cardiff so I see him every other weekend."

Maria's attention is distracted by a green Nissan Figaro pulling onto the drive of the corner across the road, "Hiya," Maria tries to greet the woman getting only a smile from her before she disappears inside.

"Sarah Jane," Starla informs her, "She doesn't talk to anyone so don't take that personally. You can count on me for a friendly face though, you're 13 so my school year right?"

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