Martha Jones

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"Evening," Starla hurries into the autopsy room where the rest of the team, bar Ianto, are gathered. She's just arrived in Cardiff for the May half-term, "Who's the dead guy?"

A naked dead guy lies on the autopsy table where Owen is working, Jack half smiles wrapping one arm around her shoulder in a side hug but answers her question, "Documents on the body identify the victim as Meredith Roberts."

"No obvious signs of violence," Owen examines him.

"Wasn't the Weevil then?" Gwen tosses that thought out the window.

"Give me a chance, Miss Cooper," Owen smirks looking up at her, "I've only just started."

Ianto's voice comes over the intercom, "Jack, your VIP visitor is here," Jack runs out of the room, leaving the others to trail after.

The door alarm starts going and Jack waits to greet their visitor, "Suddenly, in an underground mortuary, on a wet night in Cardiff, I hear the song of a nightingale."

Martha walks in, Ianto following her, "Miss Martha Jones," She smiles pleased to see him.

Putting her things down she hurries over to him for a hug, "Oh, it's good to see you, both," Then pulls back and does the same to Starla.

Grinning Jack introduces her to the team, "Toshiko, Owen, Gwen, Ianto," Ianto raises a hand, "Meet Martha."

"This is Martha from the year that never was?" Ianto clarifies and Jack nods.

"Just a casual visit or...?" Owen inquires.

She picks up her things again, "I'm here to complete your postmortem," And heads to the autopsy room.

"Dr Jones is from UNIT," Jack explains.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sorry," Gwen catches up to Jack as the others follow Martha, "I get a bit confused. Which one's UNIT?"

"Intelligence, military, cute red caps. The acceptable face of intelligence gathering on aliens. We're more ad hoc, but better looking."

"I identified a pattern from UNIT's data on sudden deaths. Toxic shock," She explains getting her gloves and doctor coat on, "Nothing to link the victims. Different ages, sexes, ethnic origins and occupations, but there was a statistically significant concentration in South Wales."

"Come on, Martha, be honest. You just came all this way to see me."

"Still struggling to conquer your shyness, Jack?" She teases making him laugh.

Owen moves opposite her to observe her work, "So what about this pattern, then, Dr Jones?"

She examines the body in odd places, starting with toes, moving on to eyeballs, "They were being written off as suicides or accidents. But look. Puncture mark. Hypodermic needle. You'll find his bloodstream was pumped full of ammonium hydroxide."

"Yeah, bloodstream. That was the thing I was going to do next."

"Have you checked his medical records?"

"Er, No," He stutters, "I was just about to."

"Well let's give it a go. You never know, Owen, you might learn something."

They move to Tosh's workstation and she searches for the records, "I know there's been a major crash on the NHS system. Wiped a shed load of files."

"Including all the victims I flagged up from the UNIT data. And now yours," Martha realises the truth as Tosh says it.

"A computer crash wouldn't delete data so cleanly. This is deliberate. Let me look into it."

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