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"What the fuck was what?" I reiterated, causing Karter to narrow her eyes.

"What you just started down there—I'm not exactly leaping at the opportunity to stop fights from breaking out, you know," she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Well, maybe try keeping your girlfriend on a leash then," I said, matching her sarcastic tone.

Karter only tilted her head. "First off, she's not my girlfriend," she said, her tone strict, "And second off, you're the one who antagonized her," she pointed out.

I scoffed, "I accidentally spilled my drink on her and apologized, I can't help that she acted like a bitch."

"That makes both of you," Karter said, which made my blood absolutely boil.

The tequila is really talking right now. 

"Whose side are you on?" I asked, which made Karter laugh slightly.

"I'm not on either, I'm just stating an observation—

"Really? Because it feels like you're on her side," I cut her short defensively, which made Karter's lips twitch up into a slight smirk.

"Aw, babe, are you jealous?" she said, which made me let out a frustrated huff.

I laughed bitterly, feeling my pettiness tug at me. I'm about to disrespect the fuck out of her.

"Jealous of a girl who's so down bad for the school's literal fuck girl that it's concerning?" I said, forcing Karter's smirk away and her jaw to tighten—I actually need to get better at putting my ego to the side, but until that day comes, I'll continue to put people in their place. "Nah, babe, I think I'm good," I said, mocking her tone.

Karter took a step toward me, but I wasn't folding. I'm standing my ground, unlike all the other girls she used to.

When she leaned in—allowing her warm minty breath to fan down on my face and her floral cologne to wrap around my senses—I physically had to force myself to not take a step back... to not let my eyes close in desperation.

Even feeling that way in the faintest sense felt like a crime. 

Her eyes gazed down briefly to my lips before inevitably meeting my eyes again as her pink tongue moistened her bottom lip—All I could think was, Don't give in. Don't you dare give in.

And if I thought originally standing my ground was hard, then it became much more of a challenge when she leaned in, causing me to suck in a breath.

Before her nose barely brushed mine, I turned my head, looking past her.

"See my point? You're a fuck girl," I said, trying to force my voice to remain strong when in reality it was clear that I was breathless.

"Yeah?" she murmured, leaning in further before tilting her head down. I pressed my palms against her shoulders when her lips brushed my lower neck, but she only grabbed my hips and held me in place. I knew I could push her away if I really wanted to, and she definitely knew that too—so why couldn't I bring myself to? I pressed my lips together in a harsh manner when she dragged her soft lips up my neck, stopping at my ear as she whispered, "Because I could have you if I really wanted you."

I swallowed slightly, "I hope you know, that you don't affect me."

Karter chuckled, causing her warm breath to trickle even more precisely down my neck. I need to get it the fuck together.

"You're a terrible liar, babe," she whispered one last time before pulling away completely, forcing my hands to fall from her shoulders.

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