I Know, Babe

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Suddenly, the alcohol was hitting me in full force—my feet were beginning to feel heavy, my head was spinning, and it felt challenging to even hold myself up.

I whined lazily, "I don't want to leave."

"That's funny," Karter called from behind her as we entered the crowded house, "Because I don't recall asking if you wanted to leave."

I held a hand to my heavy head, feeling my feet begin to drag under me, "Karter."

"We're not staying, Sloan."

"No, Karter—"

"Sloan, seriously, it's final," her strict voice said.

I reached out for her shoulders, feeling a strong dizziness invade my senses, "I-I need... can you help me?"

I don't know when Karter turned around, or when we stopped walking, but suddenly there we were in the middle of the dancing crowd.

Her dark hazel eyes analyzed my face for a moment, before inevitably nodding—leaning down to scoop me into her arms bridal style.

I leaned my heavy head against her chest, not even caring that I was letting her hold me right now—or that everyone was probably staring at us as she carried me out of the party.

All I could focus on was the way her strong arms held me, how her floral perfume wrapped around me like a blanket, and the way her heart beat against her chest rhythmically.

Soon, I felt myself being sat down in a cushioned seat, which I eagerly curled up into as I heard Karter shut the car door.

The drive felt nonexistent—then again, every passing second felt nonexistent. Time felt completely unreal in general, and I found myself liking it that way.

"Can you walk?" I heard Karter ask as my eyes remained closed and I continued laying in the cushioned seat.

I nodded lazily, "I can try."

Karter hummed from the open car door, "I'm going to take that as a no," she said, reaching down to wrap her warm arms around me before picking me back up bridal style.

I hummed, oddly feeling content now that I was back in her arms.

"You're very strong," I murmured, my eyes still remaining closed.

Karter laughed, which easily vibrated throughout my body, "You're really light—I could probably arm curl you."

I giggled, imagining Karter even doing that, "We should try that one day."

"Yeah, okay, let's see how you feel about that in the morning," she said, laughing again to herself as we entered the quiet dark house.

Within a matter of minutes, we were upstairs and in Karter's room as she slowly sat me down on her bed.

I smiled, excited to finally go to sleep as I unzipped my jeans.

"Woah—" Karter said, holding her hands up with slightly wide eyes, "—Let me... Let me grab you some shorts," she said, clearly caught off guard.

I nodded, pausing my actions, which made her quickly turn on her heel and walk over to her bathroom.

Moments later, she returned with a pair of shorts, handing them to me as she said, "You change. I'll be right back."

I nodded, smiling gratefully, "Thank you."

Karter's head tilted slightly, furrowing her brows as she hesitantly said, "Yeah... you're welcome."

As she exited the room back into the bathroom, I lazily pulled my jeans down and replaced them with her Nike shorts that she seemed to have an endless supply of.

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