You Were Staring, Babe

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The next day, Karter and I practically slept all day, cuddled up to one another. At times, she would be asleep and I would be scrolling through Instagram or TikTok—other times it would be vice versa.

Nancy and Nina even managed to bring up breakfast that they cooked, sitting on the end of the bed as we ate, conversing with us about random things.

Soon it grew time to make a decision about the Thanksgiving party that was being held tonight.

"Say the word and we won't go," Karter said, drying her wet hair with the microfiber towel as she stood in Montrose basketball shorts and a black sports bra.

Seriously, what does she do to keep her abs so sharp? Like I'm genuinely curious.

I have abs but not even close to the degree hers are—and don't get me started on her v-line. 

"Sloan," Karter said, snapping her fingers in front of her stomach.

My eyes diverted up to meet her eyes, "Hm?"

Karter smirked, "You were staring, babe," she said, laughing slightly to herself when I rolled my eyes. "For your sake, don't even deny it," she added.

I pursed my lips into a smile, "Yeah-yeah, okay."

"Sorry? Did you just admit that you were staring? The Sloan Taylor?" Karter reiterated, which earned an annoyed groan from me.

"Not this," I said, throwing my head back.

Karter laughed, "Oh, yes this—I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you live this down."

I groaned again, "That's basically code for bringing it up every single fucking day."

Karter laughed again, "Oh yeah," she said, patting her hair dry a few more times before she said, "So do you want to go? I need to know before I start getting ready."

I sighed, "Well, I would have to go home to get ready if we did go."

Karter shrugged, "I don't see why, you just showered, you seem ready to go."

"Karter I need to change," I deadpanned, motioning to her clothes that I was currently wearing.

She only shrugged again, "I don't see why." 

"Because I'm wearing your clothes," I said, pointing out the obvious.

"And?" Karter said, raising a brow. "They look better on you anyways," she added, which easily made my entire body coat with a thick layer of heat.

I shook my head, hoping to push the weird shyness away, "I still need to do my makeup and hair."

Karter narrowed her eyes, "First of all, you don't need makeup," she said, which easily made me roll my eyes. "And secondly your hai—Sloan seriously roll your eyes at me one more time," she said, cutting her previous statement short.

I felt something in my stomach grow deep with heat, oddly feeling turned on by her words.

"Or what?" I said, deciding to challenge her.

Karter walked over to me, standing before me as I sat on the bed below her, "Why do you always have to challenge me?" she said, grabbing my throat gently but with a subtle firmness.

"Because I can," I reiterated which made one of her sharp brows raise.

Karter leaned down, stopping centimeters before my face, "This—what we're doing right now isn't a challenge. It's not a game," she said, her strict and serious tone easily challenging my own ego, but at the same time, it drew out a certain neediness within me. Finally, she asked, "Do you understand?"

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