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Karter's house was as large as expected, but it was oddly... warm? Inviting even.

The home foyer was large but decorated with framed family pictures all of different sizes. The stairs were tucked off to the side, and as you made it up one part of the staircase, stopping at the landing, there was a tall curved window with a bench—it was absolutely divine and I knew I would spend every single day reading there if I had lived in this house.

Somehow, I knew the rest of the house, like the kitchen or living room was just as inviting even if I hadn't seen it.

"Karter is that you?" a feminine voice called, halting our steps up the stairs.

And from the way Karter sighed in defeat, I somehow knew the voice belonged to her mother.

Footsteps pattered into the foyer, before the same voice said, "Finally, you're home. I was preparing dinner and I wanted to know if you had prac—" the voice halted slightly, causing my eyes to drift over to the women, who by the way looked like an older version of Karter. Like a literal future twin or something. "—And who is this?" she asked, her voice wasn't demanding, it was actually soft and curious.

Something tells me Karter had a great childhood.

"This..." Karter trailed off, and I knew right in the moment that she was deciding whether to call me her girlfriend or not, and I didn't blame her. I actually went to stop her but suddenly she said, "This is my girlfriend, Sloan—and Sloan this is my mom."

"Girlfriend?" her mom asked, smiling brightly as her brown eyes glanced over to me.

When she walked over and pulled me into a hug, Karter groaned, "Mommm."

"What? She's your girlfriend—first girlfriend—wow! Wait until I tell your Mama," she said, her tone all chipper and excited, which easily earned a smile from me—Karter has two moms? That's... really cute,  and definitely confirms that her childhood was more than just great.

"It's really nice to meet you, Mrs. Greyson," I said, my voice completely genuine and warm.

Mrs. Greyson only smiled harder, "Please, call me Nancy."

I reciprocated her grin, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Nancy."

Nancy nodded, backing away, "We'll have to have you over for dinner soon—"

"Mom, can we discuss this later?" Karter asked, motioning to the wet shoes that we were currently holding, "We kind of need to shower and I have practice."

Nancy nodded hesitantly, "I'm not even going to ask why," she said, looking between us in confusion, "But yes go ahead," she said, motioning us away.

I gave Nancy one last small smile and a shy wave before inevitably following Karter to her room.

As we entered the large dim room that was slightly cold, Karter said, "I wish you were as nice to me as you were to my mom," her tone light and joking as she turned a knob switch which made the room get increasingly brighter with each spin.

"You aren't your mom," I pointed out, my tone deflated as I peered around her room.

It was almost like a hotel room.

When you first walk in, there's a small hall leading into the room, which has an en-suite to the side. Further, into the room, there was a small step down into the room, and I even noticed led lights coating under the wooden grey step.

For the most part, her room was bare. She had her bed which was made neatly with the white sheets tucked in precisely and a thick grey comforter on top. Instead of actual nightstands, there were hanging black shelves on either side of the large bed, with a light that hung down over both of them. I smiled slightly at the USB outlets already present in the walls above the floating nightstand—if I could have one thing it would definitely be that.

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