Just Take Your L, Babe

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"You don't fix me," I said, straddling Karter.

She smirked, lazily raising her brows, "Yeah, okay," she said, as if she had already determined that she could fix me.

I let out an annoyed huff, hating that she wouldn't even argue over it—that she was cocky enough to know it would go her way.

"Whatever, let's leave," I said, my voice irritated and flat.

Karter slid her hands up my exposed thighs, easily shooting tingles throughout my warm body.

"I don't want to leave, now," she said, eyeing my body slightly.

I felt my head grow heavy, suddenly feeling completely turned on—and I absolutely hated it.

I hated that Karter even had that power over me.

"You're drunk, so we're leaving," I said, trying to climb off of her, but she only held me in place, causing me to say, "What did you call it? The fun police? Yeah, that's me."

Karter laughed, shaking her head, "Well, the fun police has been fired."

I raised a brow, "Oh?" I said. "Well, in that case, I'll just leave since my duties are no longer needed," I said, going to slide off of her but this time her grip slid up to my waist, holding me in place.

"Watch the sunset with me," she said, her voice lowered and soft.

I blinked a few times, looking around as I realized the sun was in fact setting. "My favorite color," I murmured as my lips twitched up into a smile.

"Your favorite color?" Karter asked, clearly confused.

My eyes held the beautiful sky painted with a soft pink, orange, and blue, "Sunset. That's my favorite color."

I felt Karter's eyes completely on me, "That's... I've never heard that before."

My smile grew as I took in the beautiful sky, "It'll become your favorite color too, trust me."

Karter only smiled, "It probably will."

After watching the sunset and chilling in the float for a little while longer, Karter and I left the party even if it was clear that it was far from over.

With how drunk she was, it was clear that I would be driving and taking care of her tonight.

"Don't crash us," Karter said for the hundredth time of the very short car ride.

I rolled my eyes, "Even if I wanted to—I can't, we're here."

Karter's tired eyes fluttered open, "We're at your house?" she asked, looking around as I put the Jeep into park.

I hummed, "I didn't exactly want to take you home drunk," I said, which earned a nod of agreement from Karter. "Besides no one's home."

Karter wiggled her brows, "Oh, no one's home?" she asked, which earned an annoyed groan from me, unbuckling my seatbelt, "Was this your plan all along—get me drunk and take me back to your place?"

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