Get Over Here

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"No, we're still mad at you guys," Cher said over the loud cafeteria chatter as Davis pouted dramatically.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Oh, c'mon Cher—you can't be mad at me," I said, but she only huffed. "Look at this face," I said, frowning jokingly.

"Yeah, that was the worst thing you could've said in your defense, babe," Karter said, screwing the lid to her water back on. When I narrowed my eyes at her, Karter said, "Kidding-kidding. Your face is totally the cutest thing on this planet," she said, but I could still hear the subtle mocking tone prominent in her voice.

"We'll forgive you if we can all hang out today," Davis said, which caused Cher to nod automatically.

"But only if we can make brownies and cookies—"

"Oh! And we could watch a movie!" Davis cut Cher short.

I nodded, "Yeah-yeah that sounds like an excellent idea—except for the fact that, I don't know, Cher doesn't cook."

It was true, Cher had multiple chefs on call whenever she needed something.

Cher shrugged, "I can learn."

"Yeah, she can learn—come onnnn," Davis begged, his tone whiny and high-pitched. "Plus tomorrow's senior skip day so we could stay up all night and then go to the beach party tomorrow."

"I'm down," Karter said, which made my head sharply turn to her.

"I thought we made executive decisions—as a team?" I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

Karter laughed, "Aw, babe, this is an executive decision. It'll be fun, c'mon."

"Yeah, I really need to see Cher in the kitchen now," Davis laughed, which earned a slap to the shoulder from Cher.

I narrowed my eyes when not only Cher and Davis had dramatic frowns—but Karter too.

I sighed, "This is unfai—"

"It's a group vote, don't be lame, Lo," Cher said, her frown growing deeper.

After a few moments of looking between all their frowning faces, I reluctantly rolled my eyes, "Fine," I said, giving in to their demands.

Cher and Davis both cheered, high-fiving each other as Karter shook her head and laughed to herself.

"Karter stop adding things that we don't need to the cart," I complained taking the bag of Fruity Pebbles out of the cart, which she easily snatched from me and threw back in.

"You forget we're watching a movie? I need snacks, babe," she said, raising a sharp brow as she pushed the grocery cart through the aisles of the store. "Unless you wanted to offer yourself?" she reiterated, smirking slightly.

I groaned, throwing my head back, "Can you act normal for literally one second?"

Karter only let out an amused laugh, pushing the cart down the wide aisle.

School had ended hours ago, and after deciding that we were all hanging out this evening, Karter picked me up after her practice and we went to the store to gather all the ingredients we needed for tonight.

The plan was to head to Cher's house after since she had a full-on movie theatre and a chef's kitchen—where she quite literally sent her cooking staff home for the day.

Why she would do that, I'll never know.

I narrowed my eyes when I noticed Karter was grabbing the M&M's instead of the chocolate chips, "We're mixing the brownie batter and the cookie dough, Karter," I said, pointing out the fact that we were making brookies.

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