Chapter 2

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Every day, for a week, owls had been swooping into the house and dropping several envelopes onto the ground, then once more flying away. It was really strange. With one-hundred letters and counting, Vernon had somehow managed not to let us read a single one.

Harry served the Dursleys tea, and I served them muffins. Vernon grinned and looked at his family.

"I'm in a very good mood today," he said, taking a sip of tea. "Do you know why?"

He laughed his wheezing donkey laugh.

"Because there's no post on Sunday," Harry and I chorused in monotone voices.

After a few moments, Vernon nodded and took another sip of tea, which was the only reason his evil smile faded away for a second.

All of a sudden, letters started flying through windows, doors, and even little openings like toilets. Hehe.

"THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" Vernon screamed, trying to get rid of all the letters.

Harry jumped up and grabbed one, and started running to the cupboard under the stairs, and was already opening it when Vernon snatched it right out of Harry's hand.

"EVERYONE GRAB JUST CLOTHES! WE ARE LEAVING THIS PLACE!" Vernon raged, slamming the front door closed after walking outside to the car.

Since Harry and I didn't have many clothes, this was easy, and we were out in no time. On a side note, we never even got to open any of the letters. Now I was angry.

"Is Daddy going mad?" Dudley whimpered, clinging to Petunia for dear life.

I held back a snort. Your father already was mad, Dudders.

We got into the car and started driving. We drove for hours and hours, only stopping once so Dudley could use the bathroom and get a lolipop, because he claimed, "I think I am going to die if I don't have sugar anytime soon!"

Finally, we came to a stop on the edge of a lake. Harry, Petunia and I got in a small little boat (Vernon had to take his own with Dudley, because if we all went in one, Petunia was sure it would sink) and again, boated for hours before we finally came to a stop for good.

We were outside a wreckage of a cabin-house-thingy. Dang, this thing had DEFINITELY seen better days.


The sound of Dudley's snores continued to annoy me. Every so often, Harry would throw a rock at Dudley just to watch him scream in his sleep. It was funny every time. We were bothering him because he got the luxury of sleeping on the couch. Stupid git.

"Harry..." I whispered, glancing at the beat up clock on the walls. He stopped throwing pebbles at Dudley to listen.

"It's eleven fifty-nine... our birthday is in one minute," I whispered excitedly, starting to draw a cake in the sand that we were calling a floor.

I finished my drawing, but Harry decided to add something.

Inside the cake he wrote, "Happy Birthday, Lillian and Harry!"

I knew that my parents had been dead for ten years, but on my birthday I always got half angry and half emotional,  thinking we could of had a better life. We could of had a family. We could of not had to be with the stupid Dursleys.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I tackled Harry in a hug, smiling.

"Happy birthday, Harry."

"Happy birthday, Lily."

Harry and I had one of those awkward sibling moments for a minute, but I could of sworn I heard a bang on the door.

This time I heard the same noise, but louder. Harry pushed me behind him, obviously hearing it this time, and stood up, slowly moving backwards, pushing me slightly along with him.

The door fell right off the hinges, right as Petunia and the hippo (Vernon) came running down the stairs. Dudley was screaming in a corner, while Harry was staring up at the figure.

There was an extremely large man in the doorway, at least nine or ten feet tall, holding a cake box and smiling. Yes, he was smiling. Plot twist.

"'Arry! Lillian! Las' time I sa'r yet you were jus' babies!" the large man said, his smile growing wider.

"Sorry, but who are you?" Harry asked.

"Well, I'm Hagrid, o' course!" Hagrid said. "I was told by Dumbledore to come give this to yer folks, so here yeh go!"

I took the letters, and just like when I got the first ones at the Dursley's house, handed Harry his.

The back of the letter said "Hogwarts" in big, fancy letters.

"What's Hogwarts?" I asked, crinkling my noise. It sounded gross.

"You don' know what Hogwarts is?" Hagrid asked in shock, his eyes widening.

Me and Harry simultaneously shook our heads, taking a step back.

"The most famous school of witchcraft and wizardry ever?"

We shook our heads again, exchanging a look. Was this guy crazy?

"Witchcraft?" I asked. I was so confused.

" 'arry, Lily, sorry, er, Lillian, yur' wizards. Well, wizar' and witch. But still," Hagrid said, looking even more confused than we were.

"DON'T TELL THEM ANY MORE INFORMATION! I FORBID YOU TO!" Vernon screamed, his face a brilliant shade of tomato-red. Jeez dude, chill.

Vernon pointed his gun at Hagrid, and I gasped.

But then, Hagrid walked over and- HE BENT IT IN HALF! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry.

"You must be mistaken sir, I'm just, just, Harry!" Harry exclaimed.

"And I'm just Lillian! Plain old Lily or Lillian or whatever you people wanna call me!" I added, nodding in agreement.

"You... Ye'r didn't know what you are?" Hagrid said with a frown.

"No..." Harry said.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'. Hagrid looked taken aback.

Then, he had a sudden outburst.


Petunia and Vernon nodded slowly, taking a step back.



Hagrid sat down, making the couch groan under his weight. He sighed, and looked up, a pained expression stuck on his face.

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