Chapter 3

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"Harry, Lillian, sit, I'll go ask for a pot of tea and some food," the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, said, walking away, leaving Harry and I sitting at a table in the Leaky Cauldron. As soon as he was far enough away, I turned to Harry.

"Harry, how did we get ourselves in this situation?"

"Well, we got off the bus, and Fudge was standing there," Harry said. I smacked him lightly, rolling my eyes.

"Well I know that, but look where we are now. Probably about to get expelled and thrown in Azkaban," I grumbled. I noticed Fudge coming back with a teapot and food. "Act normal, like we didn't just blow up our aunt."

"I'll try," Harry responded sarcastically in a whisper, right before Fudge sat down. He placed a plate of food in front of each of us, and the teapot in the center of the table.

"I assume you know why I've been looking for you two," Fudge said, pouring tea into the cups. "You really gave us a scare, running off from your family like that."

Really? That was all they were concerned about? Well, in that case, I was gonna go have a party, because Aunt Marge deserved to get blown up.

"So you don't care that we blew up our aunt? We're not going to be expelled?" Harry hopefully asked.

"Harry, we don't expel people for simply blowing up their aunt," Fudge smiled. I snickered a bit, because that just did not sound normal. "It was just a bit of accidental magic. Speaking of, we have sent workers to help your aunt Marge, and she is back to normal."

Dang it, I was hoping they wouldn't of helped her.

"But, we used magic, and-" Harry started.

"Harry, this nice man just told us that it's no big deal," I fake smiled through my words, kicking Harry under the table. "Right, Mr. Fudge?"

"Ow..." Harry mumbled, glaring at me.

"You are correct, Miss Potter. Now, I've already talked to the Dursley's, and they said they're willing to take you back next summer, but for the remainder of the summer I recommend that you stay in one of the rooms here in the Leaky Cauldron."

"I don't want to ever go back to the Dursley's," Harry and I chorused. "Stop talking at the same time as me!" we said again.

Fudge looked a little bit scared, and excused himself to go make arrangements for us to get a room. I laughed like a crazy person when he was gone. It might of been creepy to see twins talk like that sometimes, but the look on his face was amazing.

"You're insane," Harry shook his head.

"I know," I responded.

Fudge was coming back over with another man. I wiped the smile off my face and tried to look like a normal person.

"This is Tom, he will be showing you to your room. It was nice seeing you two, but I should be going now," Fudge said. "Oh, and for your own safety, I strongly suggest you two to not leave Diagon Alley. Goodbye, Harry and Lillian."

I watched him walk off towards the exit, and couldn't help but wonder why we couldn't leave Diagon Alley.

We followed Tom to a hotel room, where he dropped off our trunks. I put the key in the door, turned it, and pushed it open. There were two beds, some drawers, and basically everything you would see in a hotel room. Except a television, because wizards and witches didn't know the joy of wasting your day away in front of it.

Harry and I both did everything we had to do before we went to sleep in silence. I think we both were thinking about the same thing, about how we had to stay in a hotel room, alone, because our own family didn't even care about us.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now