Chapter 12

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I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. It hurt my head too much. Where was I? Why was I here?

Then it all hit me. I was in the hospital wing, because a big nasty ugly troll hit me in the head with a club when I was trying to protect my friends.

My friends! Were they okay? Oh my gosh, what about Harry?

I bolted up, opening my eyes. The pain was unbearable for a second, but died down shortly after.

Ava was passed out in the bed next to me, and Olivia was snoring loudly in the chair beside her, not hurt. I snickered.

Back on task, operation find your brother.

I looked around, but couldn't find him, Ron, or Hermione anywhere.

"Lily?" a voice whispered.

"Olivia?" I said.

"You woke up!" Olivia grinned, hugging me.

"Where is everyone?" I looked around again.

"Madam Pomfrey made everyone leave, well, Hagrid had to drag Harry out. He was yelling about how he was going to get revenge on that troll for hurting you," Olivia snickered.

I snorted. He was such an overprotective dummy sometimes.

"And er, Lily, you might take this, kind of, hard, but..." Olivia looked worried, which worried me.

"C'mon, spit it out," I encouraged, but on the inside I was really nervous about what she had to say.

"Well, when the troll hit your head, Madam Pomfrey was able to heal you, but we found that you've lost some, er, abilities..." Olivia scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "She doesn't know if it's permanent, or just temporary, or if time could heal it, but..."

"And those abilities would be..." I said.

"Well..." Would this woman stop saying well? It was driving me nuts. "You can no longer communicate with Harry through your minds."


"I know, I know, but look on the bright side! Harry can no longer see what you're thinking, your crushes, your personal stuff," Olivia said, trying to make me feel better.

I giggled when she said the last part. But still, it felt like a part of me was missing!

"Wait, Olivia?" I said. "I just realized something."


"If she made everyone leave, than why are you here?" I asked.

"Lets just say, I'm a great ninja," Olivia smirked, karate chopping the air.

We laughed, and then suddenly, interrupting our moment of peace, the door burst open.

Harry ran in, and a professor (I didn't get to see their face) tried to hold him back, but he quickly got out of their grip and sprinted over to me. As soon as he was close enough, he leaped at the bed I was on and hugged me.

I didn't care that it kind of hurt. All I did was hug him back.


"Hey, Hermione!" I yelled, flicking the side of her head. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ava, Olivia, and I were sitting outside by a tree.

Ever since the troll incident in the bathroom, Harry and Ron had started to be Hermione's friend. She was a little hesitant to hang around Ron at first, but went with it anyway.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"Sup." Ava tried to make it look like Hermione said that.

"Ava, we all know Hermione would never say 'sup' and in fact, you are the only one, other than me, that would say that," I snickered.

"Bla bla bla," Ava stuck her tongue out at me.

"Anyways..." I said, and looked back at Hermione. "Do you know who this is?"

I pointed at a guy in the book I got from the library. Even though I didn't have bad grades, I didn't exactly pay attention in History of Magic. It was so boring! All the teacher did was blab about some old dudes who did historical stuff!

"How don't you know, Lily? That's Godric Gyriffindor!" Hermione exclaimed, eying the page I had showed her.

"And do you know who I am? Professor Snape! And how do you not know that, Ev- Potter, you will have a detention next time I see you outside with a library book!"

I looked up to see Snape walking up to my friends and I.

"And do you not know, you're about to be-" I started angrily, my hair turning a deeper shade of red.

"Respected by all students of this school!" Olivia covered up for me, smiling sweetly at our Professor.

"I most certainly will be. Now, I have other things I need to get to, and scolding children for breaking rules isn't one of them!" Snape scoffed, limping a bit, he walked away.

After he was out of earshot, I asked the question which had been on my mind until he walked away:

"Why is he limping?"

"Well, you see, Lily. The git is getting old, and there is this thing old people get called knee problems-" Olivia grinned.

"Oh will you shut up?" I laughed. "I'm being serious!"

I watched Snape as he limped back into the castle, wondering what could have happened to him.

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