Chapter 23

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"Harry, you stepped on my foot!" I hissed. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I were walking through the corridors, all four of us under the invisibility cloak, trying to find the mirror room.

"Sorry not- hey wait! There's the room!" Harry whispered.

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

"Shut up!" Hermione hissed.

"Rude, Hermione!" I said.

We walked into the room. There it was, in all its glory. The mirror. Harry ran towards it and smiled, as did I.

"See them? They're really there!" Harry beamed.

I watched as our parents appeared behind us, feeling the familiar sense of comfort wash over. Ron and Hermione cautiously shuffled over to the mirror, and stood behind us.

"I can't see anything," Ron said, confused.

"Me either," Hermione said.

"What? They're right there!" I pointed at the mirror.

"I can only see you, Harry, and Hermione," Ron said.

"Maybe you're not close enough. Stand where we are," I suggested, moving out of the way. Harry also moved.

"Look at me!" Ron gasped.

Hermione stood there, speechless.

"Do you see your family?" Harry asked.

"No, but I see myself! I'm older- and I'm Head Boy! And Quidditch captain!" Ron said.

"And me... my hair isn't bushy, and I'm Head Girl, and I'm holding my report card- OH, I got all O's on the O.W.L.S!" Hermione said, excited.

"Maybe the mirror shows the future!" I suggested.

"How could it? Mum and Dad are just going to randomly come back from the dead, are they?" Harry snapped.

"Calm down, Harry, it was just an idea, you don't have to be like that!" I snapped right back at him.

"You're the one who's yelling at me!" Harry said angrily.

"No I'm not!" I exclaimed. "You started it!"

"Won't you both shut up?" Ron yelled at us.

"Stay out of this!" Harry and I chorused.

"Harry, why would you say it like that? Mum and Dad are randomly going to come back from the dead?" I mimicked.

"Stop being so rude, Lily-"

"Stop being so obnoxious!" I shouted in Harry's face, leaving the mirror room and slamming the door behind me.

"Lily! Come back!" I heard Hermione call after me.

But I just kept on walking. Why was I being so dramatic? Well, Harry and I never fought much. I guess I was just really hurt he would say something like that. I kept on storming all the way up to the common, my hair a brighter shade of red than usual. But it also had blue streaks in it. I probably looked like Thing One!

Neville was in the common room when I walked in. He was sitting on a couch, reading something.

"Hey Neville," I sighed.

He jumped up a bit, but when he saw it was me, he relaxed.

"Oh. Hey Lily! Where have you been?"

"Detention," I lied.


"So... Whatcha reading?" I asked, and sat in a chair by the fire.

"It's a book about Herbology. Why is your hair like that?" Neville asked, looking at me like I had three heads.

"Ummm... the deep red means I'm angry, and the blue means I'm sad, so I guess I'm angrily sad," I said.

"Why are you angry and sad?" Neville frowned.

Jeez. This kid asked so many questions. That came out mean, he was nice, I was just fed up with everything at the moment.

"Well, Harry and I were kind of fighting. I guess we don't really fight that often, so I'm just kind of upset," I shrugged, pretending it was nothing.

"Oh. Well, you can always talk to me," Neville said awkwardly.

"Thanks Neville," I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" I waved, skipping upstairs, suddenly feeling a bit better.

Soon enough, Ava and Olivia were back from detention. Hermione still wasn't here, and I looked around our dorm, noticing that it was emptier than before.

"Where have Parvati and Lavender been?" I asked, suddenly realizing we hadn't seen them for a long time.

"Oh! Them. They moved into the second year dormitories, complained about we were too noisy and annoying," Ava said, and rolled her eyes.

"It's true though," I commented, laughing a bit.

"Good for us, now we can be all alone," Olivia wiggled her eyebrows weirdly. That was all it took for us to burst out laughing.

"Well guys, I'm getting kind of tired, I'm gonna go to sleep! Night kids!" I said.

I flopped on my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now