Chapter 15

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"Hermione, don't worry about Ron being a prat. I doubt that Crookshanks actually ate scabbers," I sighed, combing through my hair.

We just had our final Quidditch practice before our match against the Ravenclaws, and Harry and I finally got to test out our Firebolts with the team. Wood was so happy I think he might've peed himself a little. Honestly, the broom was so fast that it took a while to get used to.

Ron was officially convinced that Crookshanks ate Scabbers, because of some tiny blood stain he found Plus, Scabbers was gone. I mean, Crookshanks actually eating Ron's rat was highly possible, but I just wanted Hermione to feel better. She was taking it pretty hard, mostly because Ron was being a huge jerk to her.

"Yeah, maybe... Well, good night, Lily," Hermione said, turning off our lamp as I crawled into bed.

I forced myself to think of something other than the Quidditch match and the dementors, because just the thought of it was making me anxious. No, don't think like that, Lily! You produced a full patronus. Some stupid dementor was no match for you, don't be a baby.

It felt like as soon as I closed my eyes, I woke up. It was the morning of the Quidditch match, and that meant I had to go down to breakfast with the team.

Except, I'm Lily, so I was running around like an idiot because I couldn't find anything. I was about ten minutes late already, and it was just such a disaster.

"Hermione! Did you find my uniform, woman?" I shouted, running out of the bathroom.

"It's right here, woman," Hermione snickered, handing it to me. I threw it on, grabbed my Firebolt, and ran out the door, throwing my hair into a ponytail as I ran down the stairs.

"Thanks Hermione, love you!" I shouted. I darted through the corridors, knowing Wood was about to yell at me.

"Move, please move, coming through," I said frantically, pushing through a couple of random first years. "I'm not sorry, by the way!"

I pushed the doors to the Great Hall open, breathing a sigh of relief. Only fifteen minutes late. I spotted the team at the Gryffindor table, and I tried to slip onto the bench between Harry and Angelina without Wood noticing a thing.

"You're not slick, Lily," Wood commented from across the table. "We talked about this-"

"I can't be late on game days because I could miss important information, I know," I interrupted. "Let me guess, I need to use my agility, Cho Chang is their new Seeker, and don't let any possible dementors throw me off my game. Oh, I almost forgot, don't get injured."

"Well-" Wood said. "Well, yeah, pretty much."

"That's what I thought," I mumbled, taking a piece of toast. I looked up to see Fred and Angelina laughing together, and suddenly felt really irritated. I rolled my eyes, looking in the other direction at nothing in particular.

"You okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, just nervous," I lied, taking another glance at the pair of them. You know what, I didn't care. He could talk to whoever he wanted, I broke things off with him.

Soon enough, we were walking down to the Quidditch pitch, and entering the locker room.

"Remember, expecto patronum," I told Harry, giving him a quick hug before Wood's pre-game speech.

He went on for as long as he could before we heard the whistle blow. Usually, Fred would help calm me down before games, but I was on my own. I could do this, the dementors probably wouldn't even show up again.

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