Chapter 19

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I'd never been part of a stranger group. Ron, whose leg was all bandaged up now, and Lupin had chained themselves to that rat Pettigrew so that he couldn't escape. Snape was floating along behind us using the spell Mobilicorpus, and it was really creepy. He looked dead. Crookshanks led the way. Hermione followed behind Lupin, Ron, and Pettigrew, and Harry and I stuck side by side, directly behind Sirius.

We were making our way back up the tunnel. It was satisfying to see Snape's lolling head bumping on the low ceiling. I didn't think I could ever forget how horrible Snape treated Harry and I this year, and I didn't think I could ever forgive something like that.

"You know what this means?" Sirius said suddenly. "Turning Pettigrew in?"

"You're free," Harry and I chorused.

"Yes," Sirius responded. "But I'm also- I don't know if anyone ever told you- I'm your godfather."

It felt weird knowing that Harry and I had someone other than each other as family now.

"We know," Harry said.

"Well, your parents appointed me as your guardian," Sirius began. "If anything happened to them."

I quickly looked at Harry, excitement in my eyes. We could finally get away from the Dursleys!

"I'll understand, of course, if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle," Sirius said. "But, well, think about it... once my name's cleared, if you want a different home..."

"We don't have to think about it!" I exclaimed, a grin spreading on my face. "Of course we want to live with you, this is the happiest day of my entire life!"

"Leave the Dursleys?" Harry asked.

"Of course I understand if you're hesitant on it, Harry-"

"Are you insane?" Harry interrupted. "Of course I want to! We both do! Have you got a house?"

"When can we move in?" I said, visualizing myself packing all of my bags and leaving the Dursleys. I'd have to leave with a bang, pull the ultimate prank...

Sirius turned around and looked at us, breaking into a true smile. He looked so happy.

"You want to? You mean it?" Sirius asked.

"Of course," I smiled.

We continued along the tunnel, and I was now twenty times happier than before. I was going to leave the Dursleys, I was going to have a real home.

"If we weren't in this tiny little tunnel right now, I'd be jumping around like a maniac," I said. "But if we're going to live together, I have to warn you that that's what I am. A complete and total maniac."

"That's quite alright, Lily," Sirius laughed. "I was just like you when I was younger. Who am I kidding, I still am! It won't be a problem."

"What about Ava?" Harry questioned. "She's your, er, niece? She's been living at the Malfoy Manor with her cousin Olivia Lestrange her entire life."

Sirius froze.

"Lestrange?" Sirius said. "I didn't know... it can't be... Is Olivia evil? What's she like?"

"Oh, no, Olivia isn't evil at all! She's so sweet, she's really smart, too," I said. "She has a hard time because of her last name sometimes, I'm not sure why, because Harry and I grew up in the Muggle world, but... she's one of my friends."

"Well, Ava can come live with us, of course, but I think I just might be able to help her connect with her mother," Sirius said, continuing along the tunnel now. "If I can't seem to find her mother, of course we can take her in..."

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