Chapter 3

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Throughout the rest of dinner, I was thoroughly annoyed. I couldn't even fully enjoy Tonks entertaining us all by transforming her nose into different shapes, and didn't even have the energy to ask her how on Earth I could learn to do that.

Fred, George, Ava, and Olivia were all dying of laughter around me at some story Mundungus was telling, but I wasn't even paying attention. I just felt so angry at Dumbledore, at the people who believed that Harry and I were just some wackjob nutcases, at Harry for being so mean to me... and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop being angry.

I stood up abruptly and decided to get away by bringing my plate over to the sink. Nobody noticed, luckily, because they were all having their own conversations. I left the dining room and entered the dark, empty kitchen, and placed my plate in the sink, my head aching dully. Usually, I'd want to be in the middle of every conversation, but for some reason, I felt like all I wanted to do was be by myself.

I glanced around the kitchen, wondering how much time I had before somebody noticed I was missing. I caught sight of someone's glass of firewhisky on the counter, which was about three quarters full, and assuming they had forgotten about it, I downed it quickly. I cringed at the burning sensation in my throat for a moment, and then pushed the door to the dining room back open a moment later.

"Lily! We were wondering where you went!" Ginny said cheerfully as I sat back down. "Tell Tonks the story of when you fought Parkinson!"

And feeling considerably happier all of a sudden, I told the story that I had always loved telling.

By the time we had finished dessert, it was like I had never been angry at all. I was laughing at everything a bit excessively, and back to making conversation with anyone who would listen. Everyone seemed a bit tired after dessert, but Fred and George and I were still going as if we had an endless supply of energy. We were playing a game where someone would name a person, and we had to imitate them.

"Do Snape now!" Ron told me after Fred had finished amusing everyone by imitating Dobby.

"Okay, okay, hold on," I laughed, trying to put on a straight face.

I stood up and made my face go completely serious, and everyone watched me in amusement.

"Potter, Black," I drawled in the same tone that Snape always used, "I will not tolerate any more of your foolish distractions to my class. Thirty points from Gryffindor and three nights of detention."

"How was that so accurate?" Olivia managed to say through her laughter.

"I bet that's something that Snape has always wanted to say," Sirius laughed.

"Trust me, he says it all the time," I said. "He definitely enjoys it every time he does- woah!"

I had stumbled over my own feet on the way back to my chair. I grabbed onto the back of my chair at the last minute, catching myself, as everyone but Hermione and Harry burst into laughter. The adults at the other end of the table seemed not to of noticed a thing (Sirius didn't count as an adult at this particular moment.)

"You alright there, Lily?" George said with raised eyebrows.

"Me? I'm great! Brilliant," I grinned, settling back into my chair. "You guys are mean, why're you laughing?"

I didn't think I'd stumble, because I was honestly barely even tipsy. But here we were.

"Because that was hilarious," Ava laughed. "Uncle Sirius, what's wrong?"

The grin had suddenly slipped off of Sirius's face as he stared at me. I glanced at Fred, whose face had drained of color.

"Why so serious, Sirius?" I giggled.

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