Chapter 29

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The Quidditch match was getting closer and closer, and of course I was getting more and more nervous. Snape, our of all people in the world to be chosen, was refereeing. It just didn't make sense!

After breakfast, my first class, was OF COURSE Potions with Snape. Just my luck! It was going to be a skiddly-doo-da day for me!

What did I just say?

"Why potions?" I groaned, dropping my head onto Ava's shoulder as we waited for Snape to come out of his office, so that we could start class.

"Because, you kind of need to take Potions to get a decent career..." Ava shrugged sarcastically, acting like it was no big deal.

"Potter! Black! Stop talking in my class! Sit up!" Snape scolded at me. "There shall be no side conversation in this classroom, whatsoever! Twenty points from Gryffindor!"

My jaw dropped.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Olivia taunting us.

"Mrs. Lestrange! Did you feel that was necessary?" Snape snapped. "Now, would you let me get on with my class? Gryffindor brats, always interrupting my teaching..." Snape mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, sinking back in my seat and resisting the urge to flip him off.


"Good luck, you two! Be careful out there..." Hermione advised worriedly. We stood outside of the Gryffindor locker room.

"If you survive, I'll buy you as much candy as you like," Olivia said.

"Then I better make it out alive, I haven't had any for a week!" I playfully collapsed into Ava's arms, pretending to sob.

"But really, do be careful. Don't want any broken butt-bones, ya know?" Ava said.

"See you after the game," Ron told us, walking away. Ava, Olivia, and Hermione followed behind him.

"C'mon, bub! Lets go kick some Hufflepuff arse out there!" I grabbed Harry's arm, pulling him inside.

As soon as we walked through the door, Wood's head snapped up. His eyes brightened at the sight of my brother and I.

"Harry! I've been waiting for you. Come over here, I need to talk to you."

"Oh, nice to see you too, OLIVER. Butthead," I muttered as Harry started towards Wood.

I sat down on a bench, watching as he gave Harry a little pep talk. Well, more like a nervous talk. A lot of the times, when Wood gave us pep talks, it just made us feel nervous and extremely, extremely pressured.

Poor Harry.

"Blimey, the whole school's out there! Even Dumbledore came to watch!" Fred exclaimed, glancing out the small window.

"No crap, Sherlock!" I said sarcastically, but I still found myself reluctantly looking out of the window a few moments later.

"Dumbledore?" Harry gasped, running over to the window (out of nowhere) to check.

"When did you get over here?" I asked.

"When I used my legs," Harry responded.

I smacked him. He smacked me back, on the arm. My hair turned darker red with black streaks in it. I kicked him in the shin, running away and jumping onto George's back.

"Ha, sucka! Can't get me now!" I taunted.

"Anyways, Snape can't hurt us if Dumbledore's here!" Harry pointed out.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now