Chapter 10

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"This is the Quaffle."

Wood picked up a medium sized, red ball.

"Lily, this is what you use in your position, a Chaser," he explained. "In short, you just try and catch it, or steal it. You'll pass it around with your other two Chasers, and try to score in those three posts. Every time you score, it's worth ten points."

I nodded, taking it all in. Seemed somewhat simple.

He picked up a tiny golden ball that Harry probably couldn't see without his glasses. I snickered at the thought. Blind git.

"This is where you come in, Harry. This is the golden Snitch. It's worth one hundred and fifty points for the team," Wood said.

"To get the Snitch, you have to fly around the field until you see it. The game doesn't end until the Seeker catches the Snitch. Some Quidditch games have lasted over two days," he said.

I gaped at the thought. How did they sleep? Or eat? HOW DID THEY USE THE BLOODY BATHROOM?

"On one team, there's seven people. One Seeker, one Keeper, two Beaters, and three Chasers," he said, counting them off on his fingers.

"Onto the other positions. The Beaters use the bat to hit the Bludger. The Bludger is used to try and hit people, or knock them off their brooms. I'm just warning you now, it's caused death before, so be careful," Wood warned

"That's... disturbing, " I said.

Wood and Harry laughed.

"What's your actual name?" I asked, looking at Wood.

"Oliver," he answered, looking at me like I was some kind of weirdo. "And last is the Keeper, which is me. I'm supposed to block all the balls that come my way."

"Okay, so are we gonna play?" I impatiently asked, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Yeah!" Wood laughed. "I like that excitement."

He charmed the Beaters bats to hit the Bludgers by themselves.

"Here, you can use these brooms for now. I'm sure that you'll get your own later," Wood said, handing us each brooms that the school owned. "One... Two-"

"THREE!" I yelled, flying off into the air.

Wood was already at the goal post, and Harry was flying around, looking for the Snitch.

Now... Where was the Quaffle?

I saw it, dropping towards the ground. I dived towards it in a way that was most likely highly dangerous, just because it felt natural, and grabbed the ball just before it hit the ground.

A Bludger came my way. I dodged it and flew up towards the goal post.

I faked a goal, then actually threw the Quaffle. It went through the goal.

I grinned at Oliver. Yes, I called him Oliver now.

"Excellent!" he exclaimed with a huge grin on his face. "You're a natural!"

After I scored a few more goals, Harry caught the Snitch.

I cheered for him, and we flew towards the ground.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now