Chapter 3

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"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

I cheered excitedly along with the other one-hundred thousand people in the stands as Bagman commentated. Charlie held his Irish flag up in the air along with many others. It was so loud, but I loved every second of it.

"And now, please allow me to introduce the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"

The Bulgarian side of the stands roared with cheers and shouts and applause.

"Mascots?" I said loudly to Ginny.

"You'll see," Ginny grinned. "Oh, I didn't expect that! Veela!"

A large group of tall women with flawless, glowing skin glided out onto the field. Their hair was long and silvery-blonde, they were absolutely gorgeous. They almost didn't even look human. They started dancing, and I looked beside me to see Harry in a total daze. Ron looked the same. Panicking, I looked down the row to where Fred and George were, and to my disappointment, Fred was in the same sort of daze along with George.

"What the hell is this about?" I hissed to Hermione, who was sitting a few seats down. Harry put one leg on the wall of the box, as if he were about to climb over. Ron looked like he was ready to make a dive straight towards the Veelas.

"Harry, have you gone mad?" I gasped, pulling his arm.

"Ron, what on earth are you doing?" Hermione said, smacking his arm.

I stomped across the row to Fred, standing right in front of him. He had been leaning forward in his seat to get a better look. I waved my hand in front of his face, and he shook his head, looking at me with a blank expression.

"Er, hello? This is your girlfriend standing here?" I said angrily. "What is with you boys?"

Angry shouts were beginning to fill the stadium as the Veela left the field to stand in a line on the sideline. I rolled my eyes, and made my way back to my seat, now a bit annoyed.

Hermione grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him down into his seat, shaking her head and saying something that I couldn't hear over the crowd. Mr. Weasley had to take Ron's hat out of his hands, because he had begun shredding up the shamrocks that were on it.

"Harry, ew," I scowled. "Ginny, what's happening?"

"They're Veela," Ginny said in a disgusted tone. "They make boys go into a sort of trance when they dance, don't get too upset about Fred."

The boys slowly started regaining focus, all looking a bit confused.

"And now," Bagman announced, "please allow me to welcome... the Irish National Team Mascots!"

It was all happening so fast that it was hard to catch the green and gold comets that zoomed around the field. They exploded and formed a huge rainbow, which looked really cool. The rainbow fizzled out, and turned back into the green comets, which rose up higher into the air to form a giant, glittery shamrock.

"This is way better than what the Bulgarians had!" I shouted, amazed.

The shamrock began soaring over the stands, and something began raining from it. I watched as heavy gold coins hit the floor in front of me, and then they came pouring down.

"Ouch!" Ginny hissed as a few gold coins bounced off her head.

"Ha-ha," I teased, until even more came down and hit me in the head.

"KARMA!" Ginny laughed, picking a few up off the floor. "Look at Ron!"

Ron was frantically picking up as many coins as possible. He shoved some into Harry and I's hands happily, and I gave him a questioning look.

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