Chapter 36

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I looked at Harry. Harry looked at Hermione. What were we going to do?

"Come with me," Filch snapped. "We're going to see Professor McGonagall... finally in trouble, you lot..."

Going to Dumbledore was one thing, but going to McGonagall was another. Dumbledore was usually more... calm... about these kind of things. On the other hand, McGonagall would have our heads. The only time McGonagall hadn't been super strict was the time when Ava and I got caught sneaking out with Fred and George, but that was only cause she sounded really concerned about something...

We finally arrived at Professor McGonagall's office, and right after Filch knocked on her door, somebody I had least expected came flying out.

"Harry! Hermione! Lillian! I was trying to warn you, Malfoy said-" Neville exclaimed, but was cut off by a very cross Professor McGonagall.

"What in Merlin's name is the matter with all of you?" McGonagall demanded. "What have you done this time? Four students out of bed. I would have never believed any of it. A dragon? Unacceptable excuse. I know just what is happening here. You made up a story that you were going to deliver some dragon so that I would catch Mr. Malfoy out of bed, and not believe his excuse. This is one of the worst things you could have done. Miss Granger, I thought you had much more sense than that. Mr. Potter, it surprises me that you would do such a thing to your house. Miss Potter.... there's not much I can say to you. I would have expected this from you."

I looked at the ground. That comment about me hurt. Just because I wasn't on the quieter side like Harry, or smart like Hermione, it didn't mean I was some sort of criminal.

There was a silence between the three of us. Nobody knew what to say.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor," McGonagall said sternly.

"But-" Harry stammered.

"Per person," she finished, giving us a strict look.

"You can't do that, Professor! Please!" I begged, my hair turning a dull blue. "We didn't mean for this to happen-

"Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, Miss Potter. Off to bed, immediately."


"Are you dead or something?"

Somebody shook me violently.

"Olivia? Go away, leave me alone. I'm tired, child," I groaned.

"It's seven, Lily. We have classes today. You were supposed to be awake a half hour ago," Olivia said.

"I don't care. Tell them I'm skipping today." I grabbed one of my pillows and put it over my head, squeezing my eyes shut again.

"No, Olivia is right. You just can't skip your classes. I'm tired too, believe me, but do you see me skipping?" Hermione said as she ripped a brush through her hair. All it did was make it frizzier.

"That's because you're Hermione," I scowled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Where is Ava?"

"Being a bathroom hog. She won't let anybody in until she's done with her thirty minute shower," Hermione said bitterly, rolling her eyes.

"Sounds like Ava. Another question, why don't people at this school have backpacks?" I asked, out of the blue.

Nobody responded. They were either too tired,  or just didn't feel like arguing with me about it.

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