Chapter 5

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"Oh, it's a dementor!" Malfoy cried, and pretended to faint, imitating Harry and I. The Slytherins around him laughed, and Malfoy continued to act like an idiot.

I shot him a harsh glare as I walked to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. I threw my stuff down, annoyed, sitting beside Harry.

"Where's Ava?" I asked, noticing she was gone.

"None of us know," Olivia answered from across the table. "She just disappeared or something."

I didn't respond, I just ignored the chatter around me and stared at the ground. I couldn't possibly eat breakfast now that I was thinking about the dementors again, and the cold, empty feeling they gave me. It felt like I would never be happy again, like-

"Lily? Are you okay?"

I snapped out of it, looking up. Harry was looking at me, and I could tell he was concerned. I sighed, nodding. I realized that Professor McGonagall coming around to pass out time tables.

"Remember, detention tonight, Miss Potter," she said as she handed mine to me.

"Ugh, I totally forgot about it," I groaned after she walked away. "It's with Malfoy, too!"

"What's with Malfoy?"

I turned around to see Fred standing behind me.

"Stalker much?" I joked, moving my bag so that he could sit down. "Just a detention."

"Detention? On the first day? How did you do it?" Fred asked eagerly, grinning.

"I punched Malfoy in the face," I shrugged, smirking a little.

"That is awesome," Fred laughed.

"It really was," I said, laughing a bit. We made direct eye contact, and it lasted for a few seconds, before I looked away, and grabbed my bag, standing up. "Well, er, gotta go, bye!"

I started speed walking towards the exit of the Great Hall, grabbing Hermione's arm on the way and dragging her along with me.

"What was that for? You nearly scared me to death!" Hermione hissed once we were outside of the Great Hall, yanking her arm away from my grip.

"I wanted someone to come with me, and you just happened to be that very lucky person," I said as we walked down the corridor. "I don't know where we're going right now, do we have our first class together?" I reached for her time table, and she pulled it away quickly, her eyes wide.

"Hermione, calm down!" I said.

"I have Divination. Do you?" Hermione said quickly.

I looked at her suspiciously for a minute, before responding. "Yeah, I do. Let's go."

It was difficult finding the Divination classroom, but eventually, we found it. It was a creepy classroom that looked like there was a tea party going on in an attic. A bunch of other Gryffindors were seated at small tables, but none of our friends had gotten to class yet.

Hermione and I sat down at a table, and I began wondering where the teacher was, when she emerged out of what seemed like nowhere. She had huge glasses that her equally as huge eyes peered out of, and she was very thin. Her brown hair was a total wreck.

"Welcome to Divination class, my dears," she said in a mystical tone. "My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before-"

The classroom door was thrown open. I jumped, and turned back so I could see who it was, to see Harry, Ron, and Olivia standing there.

"Really guys? Late on the first day?" I snickered. Hermione didn't looked as amused as me, though.

"That's alright, my dears. I knew you three would be late, because you wouldn't be able to find my classroom," Professor Trelawney said, ushering them to sit down.

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