Chapter 8

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It felt like my stomach was doing somersaults as I watched the blood drip down the wall. I turned around, gagging a bit.

"Should we, er, get some help?" Harry said, panic in his eyes.

"I don't think we want to be found anywhere near here..." Ron said, grabbing Harry's arm and attempting to pull him away. It was too late, though. The noise of people walking down the hallway started, and well, we were totally screwed.

Everyone gasped in shock at the scene, crowding around us. Great, now they thought it was us who did it.

"What have you gotten caught in this time, Potters?"

A blonde figure stepped out from the large crowd of people, smirking. Of course, it was none other than Draco Malfoy.

"For your information, this wasn't us, Malfoy," I spat, looking him up and down. Who did he think he was?

"What's going on here?" Filch pushed through the crowd. "What is all this- MRS. NORRIS! My cat! What have you done to her?"

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I all looked at each other helplessly, knowing this wasn't good at all.

Filch's eyes landed on us. "You! You foolish children murdered my cat! I will get you! I'll kill-"

"Argus, let us not make accusations," a calm voice interrupted, stepping through the crowd. It was Dumbledore. "Everybody please remain calm, and head back to your dormitories."

Just like that, everyone left just as quick as they had gotten there.

I exchanged another glance with my friends and brother. Would Dumbledore believe us, or Filch? If Dumbledore was smart he would believe us, and he was pretty smart.

"Come with me, Argus. You too, children," he said. "We will discuss what happened in my office."

"But-but my cat!" Filch sobbed, not able to look at Miss Norris. Was it bad that as much as I hated Filch, I kind of felt sorry for him?

"Your cat will be looked at, but I am sure she is not dead. Just petrified," Dumbledore said comfortingly, and started to lead us down the corridor, when Lockhart popped out from what seemed like nowhere.

"I can examine the rodent, after all, I am the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," he said.

Taking the opportunity to talk back to him, in a very bitter tone, I corrected him.

"It's actually a cat, sir. Maybe you would know that if you weren't such a-" I began to let all my anger out when Hermione pinched my arm, hard. "Such a great teacher!" I finished, in an overly high pitched voice.

"Thank you. I happen to agree very much. Let's head up to my office, it's closest," Lockhart cut in front of Dumbledore, leading the way to his own office.

Harry snorted, muttering "Nice one, Lily," which resulted in me slapping his arm.

We arrived, Filch still sobbing about his cat.

"So my cat isn't d-d-d-dead?"

"No, Argus. Only petrified," Dumbledore said, in a calming voice. How many times did he have to tell Filch?

"I know all about petrified cats, I've done so much research on them-" Lockhart started.

"It was the Potters!" Filch pointed his nasty, crooked finger at Harry and I accusingly.

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