Chapter 3

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"Get up!" I yelled, jumping on Ginny's bed. It was finally Wednesday, and we were going to Diagon Alley. In the few days that had passed, I had gotten to know her a lot better, and we were pretty good friends now.

"No, make me," Ginny grumbled, wrapping herself up in her blanket and rolling onto the floor. I had gotten my wake up call from Olivia at six in the morning, as usual, so I was awake and ready already. Everybody was awake except for Ginny, who was refusing to get out of bed.

"Where have I heard that before? I've created a monster," I groaned, smacking my forehead. Ginny went back to sleep on the floor. I walked out of her room, and pounded on Ron's door.

"What?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Your sister won't get up, I kind of need some help here," I said.

"Not my problem!" Ron called, not opening the door. Stupid Ron.

I ran down the two flights of stairs, and slid into the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was making breakfast.

"Mrs. Weasley, your daughter won't get out of bed," I said.

"Which one?" she sighed, mixing something in a bowl.

"Don't you only have one daughter?" I frowned. "Just Ginny, right?"

"Well, there's Ginny, you, Ava, and Olivia, who apparently live in my house now," she laughed a bit.

"I mean Ginny," I said.

We eventually got her out of bed, but it took Mrs. Weasley threatening her. It was time to go, and I was waiting by the fire place. We were going to use the Floo Network, and I was going with Harry.

Once everybody was by the fireplace, Harry and I stepped in after Fred and George.

"Remember to speak clearly, and drop all of the Floo powder. Okay?" Mrs. Weasley said. We nodded, and Harry and I both grabbed some floo powder. We decided that Harry would say Diagon Alley.

"Diagon Alley!" Harry said, and we dropped the floo powder. There was one thing wrong, though. Harry had coughed when he said Diagon Alley.

"Harry! Now we're going to end up in some random place," I hissed, but coughed when ashes went in my mouth.

The fireplace spat us out into some store. I looked around.

"Harry, I have a feeling this isn't Diagon Alley."

There were weird things in the store. There was a vase shaped like a skull that had black fog surrounding it, an old, creepy looking locket, and a bunch of other weird things. I grabbed his arm when I saw the creepy guy at the register staring at me.

"Let's get out of here," Harry whispered, pulling me out of the store. I then realized where we were.

"This is Knockturn Alley," I said. There were strange hooded figures walking around everywhere, and most of them were old. "Isn't this the place Hagrid told us never to- get away you creep!"

I kicked a random old dude that was too close for my liking. He was reaching out to touch my scar.

"I don't like this," Harry said. No kidding! We were trying to find an exit when we heard a familiar voice.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now