Chapter 5

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"Try and get some rest, okay?" I whispered to Ava, leading her over to her bed through the darkness. "We can think about all of this in the morning. I know it's a lot."

We'd spent the last hour trying to piece together what on Earth actually happened between Angela, Sirius, and Regulus, but we just didn't have enough information. All we knew was that Regulus and Angela were never together, Angela got pregnant after a one night stand, and never planned to tell Ava that Regulus was her father... but of course, things didn't go as planned. And apparently Sirius and Angela were in love, and had been lying to all of us, especially Ava, this entire time.

"I'm just so pissed at my mum and Sirius," she whispered, her voice trembling a bit. "They've been lying to me this entire time. If things had gone differently, I wouldn't of ever even known Sirius wasn't my dad- I mean, isn't that messed up?

"What're you gonna do?" I asked.

"I dunno- what do you think I should do?"

"I think you should confront them both, and don't be nice about it either," I sighed. "I mean, I know you're not usually nice when confronting people- but see what they have to say. Maybe they have their reasons."

"Yeah, I'll do that..." Ava whispered. "This is absolutely crazy."

"I know," I said. "I'll see you in the morning- or afternoon, in your case, considering you sleep all day."

"Goodnight, Lily."


I quietly made my way back to Fred and George's room, but I had no intentions of sleeping. I slipped through the door, and after making sure that they were both fast asleep, I knocked on the closet in the correct pattern. I glanced behind me, and George had stirred in his sleep, but was still sleeping. Sighing in relief, I pushed open the door.

I rummaged through a bin on one of the shelves, but it was nearly pitch dark. It wasn't what I was looking for. I moved to the next one, and it was the right one. The Extendable Ears.

I grabbed one, and slid back out the door, closing it quietly behind me. I left the bedroom and snuck out into the hallway, before realizing I had no idea where I was going.

Maybe this would be an invasion of privacy, but chances were, after what I heard earlier, Sirius and Angela were together. Regulas's room had been on that creepy top floor, so maybe that was where Sirius's room was.

I hated that damn floor. All the same, I crept up the many flights of stairs to the top floor, and mentally thanked Ava as I realized that she'd left her little candle outside Regulas's room. I picked it up and began walking down the hallway as quietly as possible, glancing at each door as I went. If Regulas's door had his name on it, Sirius's must've too, right?

I recognized the door of the murderous ghoul's bathroom as I passed... then there was a plain old door, and then-



I stopped outside the door. I mean, what I was about to do might be nosy and an invasion of privacy, but... I just had to know. Chances were, I'd hear or see nothing. Even if they were together, they were most definitely sleeping, not up talking, right?

I decided upon trying to listen in first, and if I heard nothing, I'd just creak the door open a bit and glance in.

I slid the Extendable Ear under the door, and brought the other end to my ear, and then waited a second.

Wait, I heard something! I moved it closer to my ear.

Something was moving... what the heck was that? It was moving fast, and someone was breathing heavy...

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now