Chapter 14

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On Friday, I wasn't able to find Fred anywhere. I wasn't even able to find George, either. I had just assumed that they were busy (even though Fred had never gone a day without seeing me through our entire relationship) and decided that I'd see them in the morning.

Saturday was the day of the Hogsmeade trip, and that meant it was also the day that I'd see Sirius. That morning, I hurried down the stairs to find Fred and tell him that I couldn't spend the day with him. My story was going to be that I hadn't really spent a Hogsmeade trip with my friends in a while, and I felt guilty about lying already.

But when I arrived in the common room, Fred wasn't there. No Fred, no George, not even Lee.

My heart sunk. I began to worry, because Fred usually waited there for me every morning.

"Have you still not seen him?" Hermione asked after she made it down the stairs.

"No," I said, beginning to think that he was avoiding me. "Not even George or Lee are here... he's avoiding me, and I have no idea why."

"Maybe it's cause of that article," Hermione said quietly, glancing at me with pity.

I hadn't even thought about that.

"But he knows that garbage isn't true, right?" I said doubtfully. "He trusts me... he wouldn't think that poorly of me."

"I think you need to talk to him about this," Hermione told me.

"How can I talk to him if he's running from me?" I asked. "I guess I'll just have to corner him, whether he likes it or not."

Harry and Ron both arrived at the bottom of the staircase.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked, right as he looked at me.

"Yeah, what's the sad face for?" Harry questioned.

As the four of us made our way out of the castle, I explained that Fred had been avoiding me, and that I couldn't find him or even George this morning. I told them that Hermione thought it was about the article, and sadly, they agreed.

Once we arrived in Hogsmeade, we spent some time picking out the strangest and ugliest socks we could find for Dobby (those were his favorite kind.) It was a thank you gift for helping Harry with the second task.

It was really fun, but I felt like I couldn't fully enjoy it, because I was too busy worrying that Fred was upset with me.

"Come on, Lily, don't let the same prat that slept with a blankie until he was thirteen upset you," Ron told me as we headed to meet Sirius.

"He did WHAT?" I laughed, my spirits suddenly lifted a bit. "I'm so gonna tease him about that when he's done avoiding me."

We passed Dervish and Banges, and began approaching the very end of the village. I'd never been this far into Hogsmeade before.

As we got to the mountain that was at the edge of the village, a big, shaggy, black dog was waiting for us.

The dog wagged its tail, and then turned around and began trotting towards the mountain. We followed him towards the foot of the mountain, and then began climbing higher and higher for what felt like forever.

I was getting really tired when we finally entered a small, dimly lit cave. I was a bit surprised to see Buckbeak sitting there, staring at us. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I all bowed down low to him, and he bowed back.

Once I turned back to the dog that had led us up the mountain, Sirius was standing in its place. His robes were ragged, his hair was long, untidy, and matted once again, and he looked thinner than ever.

Lillian Potter | Harry Potter's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now