The Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 1

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"I'm going to kill your brother, Lillian Potter, and you are going to watch him suffer!" Voldemort cackled, swishing his wand and making a slash in Harry's arm. I screamed, trying to run to Harry, but Voldemort threw a spell at me, making me crash painfully into one of the slimy walls of the Chamber of Secrets.

"Leave him alone!" I cried, trying to get up, but I couldn't. Something was holding me down. He sent green light shooting at Harry, and-

I quickly sat up, knocking a textbook off my bed. It landed with a loud thud. Harry shot up and shined his flashlight in my direction.

"Don't point that thing at me when I just woke up," I hissed breathlessly, squinting through the darkness.

"Sorry..." Harry mumbled, and went back to doing his homework. I picked up the textbook off the floor.

"I hope that woke you up, Dursleys," I said.

I didn't think it was possible to explain how much I hated them. I heard Harry snicker from his twin bed on the opposite side of the room.

It was the middle of the night, and Harry and I had been trying to get some of our Hogwarts homework done before everyone else in the house woke up. Obviously, I had fallen asleep in the middle of it, leading to a nightmare.

If the Dursleys saw us doing this, they would probably chuck us out the window or something. I didn't think there was any other kid on the planet that wanted to go back to school as much as Harry or I did. I missed the weirdness of Hogwarts, and all the magic. But mostly, I missed my friends. Me and Ava being crazy together, Olivia always being there for me, Hermione yelling at me to study, Ron stuffing his face at dinner...

There was one thing in particular that I couldn't stop thinking about. Fred.

Maybe it was me having no social life at the moment, but he was literally stuck in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about how sweet he had treated me, but he balanced it with his normal Fred personality, which I liked.

"Lily, stop daydreaming about Fred again," Harry said in a bored tone. I scoffed. Sometimes he knew me a little too well.

"Shut up, you're probably imagining you and Ava snogging in a broom closet," I snipped.

"So what if I am?"

Even though it was dark in our room, I could imagine his mischievous smirk. Over the summer, Harry got more... wild, I guess. Kinda like how I already was. Not only that, but he grew too, nearly three inches taller than me. That wasn't supposed to happen to twins, right? His voice got a little deeper, which I was still getting used to, and he looked more mature in general. Puberty would do that to you.

As for me... I actually didn't grow taller at all. I was still short, and I was pretty sure I had actually lost weight since I left Hogwarts because the stupid Dursleys didn't feed us. One time, I accidentally magically shoved a chip up Dudley's nose because he was eating them right in my face. Basically, the only thing that changed about me was that my hair grew. A lot for the five weeks we had been trapped in hell. It was down to my waist now. I mean, technically I could change it whenever I wanted, but still.

I liked it a lot. Call me conceited, but it was my favorite thing about myself.

I jumped when I heard the telephone ring from downstairs. Who the heck was calling at four in the morning? It stopped ringing, but started again after a moment. I groaned, stuffing my head under my pillow.

"Shh, you'll wake someone up," Harry said.

"Oh, who cares?" I grumbled, smacking my head on my mattress. "I'm pretty sure the loud, ringing telephone might have already done the job, smart one."

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