"dear journal"

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I was transported into another room, and a nurse stayed in it with me. The lights were dim, and the nurse was texting on her phone. I lay there, feeling defeated. I didn't have my book. His book. The only thing for me to remember Him by. I didn't want to go on without it. It was the only thing keeping me from surrendering to Papa.

I still didn't understand why Papa hurt me. It started when I was 16, when I decided I wanted to move out to live with a friend. But Papa didn't want me to leave. He didn't want me to go out into the 'big world'.  I argued with him for months until he started being aggressive. He locked me in my room and didn't let me out for almost a week. I wasn't allowed to go outside, and I wasn't allowed to disobey Papa. All I wanted to do was move in with my friend, just a few towns away. It had nothing to do with Him, or Papa. 

Why did he have to hurt me?


When I finally got to my flat, I took the book from my pocket and opened it. It was the book the girl had in her hand as she ran. It was small, like a journal, but didn't look like it could be hers. I read it in my room.

"Dear Journal,

Hey. Nothing has really changed. Papa still hasn't let me out of my room and I don't think Sara is out either. I wish he'd just let us go.  And it's not even only Sara's fault for wanting to move away. I did too.

I wanted to move in with Stacy, but Papa wouldn't let me. Then Sara wanted to move with her friend, Jess. Papa got even more furious and that's when he started being aggressive. But things will change. Sooner or later. Someone will come and save us. I hope.

I don't want to rot in my room forever.



I flipped the page.

"Dear Journal,

He hasn't let me out. I'm getting hungry, and I'm almost finished with my water bottle. It's been weeks since I showered, and I reek. I just need food and water. Please? Why am I asking you? You're just a book. But a good listener.

I really think I'm going crazy, because I'm talking to a book now.  I think he'll let me out tomorrow, it's been 4 days, and that's usually when he gets bored and let's us out. At least I'll eat something, even if it means being forced into making the house look spotless.

And I don't really have to, because he just ruins it again with all his dirty shoes and leaving food to rot on the tables. Sara has to cook, and I have to clean.

Nice life I'm living, eh?

Jealous aren't you?



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