"only 5 seconds of summer"

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I half-opened my eyes in annoyance and tried to turn off the stupid alarm.

"Luke, WAKE UP!" Calum yelled.

I groaned, and turned on my side. I heard my door creak and footsteps approach. Someone, probably Calum, started trying to pull me out of bed by my leg.

"Come on, Luke." I heard Sara's voice say.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Sara, who was trying to pull me out off bed. She looked like she was struggling. I laughed at her, and pulled my leg back into my blanket, making her let go.

"5 minutes." I said, pulling my blanket over my head.

"How about 5 seconds." She giggled.

"Of summer?" I asked, smiling like a crazy lunatic.

"Only 5 seconds of summer." She said sternly, laughing right after.

"Fine." I groaned, sitting up in bed.

I rubbed my eyes before standing up out of bed. She pointed and laughed at my pajama pants. They were blue with little penguins sliding around.

"What?" I asked, looking down at my pants.

"Nothing." She said and stopped laughing with a sigh.

"Well, you woke me up. Congrats." I said, putting a hand out.

She smiled and shook my hand.

"Breakfast is being served." She said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I think it's ten to nine or something."

"Oh. It's early." I yawned.

"Not really." She giggled.

We stood there in awkward silence once she stopped giggling. I stared at her in awe of her beauty. Even though her hair was a mess, and the scars on her arms were still visible, she was beautiful in my eyes. I noticed her grey sweater had a small ketchup stain on it. I mentally laughed.

"Race you there!" She ran out the room, breaking the silence.

"Hey!" I whined, running after her.

We ran down the halls, down the stairs and into the dining room laughing our socks off. She sat down in her seat still laughing. I laughed at her, and sat next to her.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Michael asked, putting some more eggs on his plate.

"I have no idea." Sara said, ruffling her hair.

"Well, dig in!"

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