"we're still on tour!"

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"What?" I asked in complete shock, letting go of the microphone in my hand.

"Your old friend, Sara? They found her." Houston said.

"DON'T LIE TO ME, HOUSTON." I shouted.

"I'm not lying, Jess. It's on the news." He said, pointing at his phone.

I jumped off the stage, hitting my leg on the ledge. I ran up to him and snatched the phone out of his hand. A picture of a familiar redhead was on the screen. Her face painted purple, cuts and bumps all over her face.

I almost cried reading the article.

"Sara Charleston, 19, was found alive on Fondler's Lane in a small town in Cambridge last night. Broken bones and scars covering her body, she was still alive. She is currently being hospitalized. Doctors say she might not make it due to massive amount of blood lost while she was laying on the road.

Father Shane Charleston, 37, was found dead in Fondler's Lake near the town Sara was found on the same night. Police suggest suicide or murder due to large bruises on nape of neck. He was under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Sara Charleston was missing for 9 days. Reporters say she was kidnapped from her home with pop band 5 Seconds of Summer. Rumor has it Luke Hemmings of 5 Seconds Of Summer placed a bet on her life, which he lost along with ten grand.

Hemmings has been spotted arriving at Anastasia Hospital, where Sara Charleston is being kept.

Charleston has twelve bullets in her chest and legs, a broken arm, several bruises on her face, self-inflicted cuts and bite marks on her arms and 3 broken ribs.

Shane Charleston, her father, has a large crime record and has been wanted for several years. He has also been diagnosed with impulse disorder since he was 14. This may be the cause of such abusive behavior on his family. He killed his wife and his son committed suicide after 3 years locked in their home.

Old reports say he was seen chasing his children during that time. Most times his children were dragged home bleeding and neighbors were threatened not to tell."

I couldn't read any more.

That's what Sara meant when she said she couldn't come with me to New York.

"Houston, we're going to London."

"But, Jess. We're still on tour!"

"I don't care. I need to see Sara again."

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