"they're pop stars"

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I was on the verge of tears. We had been searching for hours, but we couldn't find her. We asked people in the neighborhood, but they asked who she was anyways. Calum was freaking out, Michael was trying to see which house was Sara's, Ashton was asking people in the neighborhood about Sara, and I was just sitting on the sidewalk, beating myself up for no reason. It wasn't even my fault her father took her back.

But what if I never see her again? What if she's dying now? What if she's DEAD?!

I stood up and started walking down the sidewalk Sara had been running up. I could sense the presence of dirty clothes and garbage. I turned to see an old, tired house with a dying tree next to it. I walked up to the front door. There was a lawn with dead grass around everywhere. Nothing was growing, at all. Out of all the houses, this had to be the worst.

I knocked on the door a couple of times before a man with red messy hair, droopy eyes and stained t-shirt opened it.

"What do you want?" He boomed.

"I was just going to ask about a girl that I've been looking for. He name is Sa-"

He punched me straight in the jaw. I fell backwards into the solid concrete, hitting my head hard.

"I don't know where she is. But if you find her, bring her back to me. You understand?" He said.

I nodded, despite the pain and he went back into his dark house, slamming the door loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. I could hear the others coming up to me and asking what had happened. I couldn't speak, since my jaw was numb. They carried me out the man's front yard and sat me on the sidewalk.

"Dude! What happened?" Ash said, looking at my jaw.

"Iths wash Sharash Fawther." I said.

"What?" Calum asked.

"Iths wash Sharash Fawther." I repeated.

"I don't understand you, Luke. Let's go back, and get you cleaned up." Ashton said.

"Buth Sharah!" I whined.

"What?" Michael asked, helping me up.

I sighed, shaking my head.


I asked the nurses if I could call them, but they said "No. You might disturb them."

"What could they possibly be doing other than looking for me? I have to tell them I'm still here!"

"They're not like us. They're Pop stars, and they have busy lives. I don't think they'd be looking for you."


"But did they come?"

I could say anything else. I just cried into my hands. They hadn't come for me. They forgot me. They didn't care about me. She was right. They are too busy to be looking for me. Why would they come back for me anyways? I'm just a girl they helped get to a hospital. I'm just a girl they bumped into. I wasn't their main priority. I didn't matter to them. In their eyes, I was probably just another obstacle in their way. Someone distracting them from their lives.

So, why would they look for me?

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