"she's back, don't worry"

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"She's back, don't worry. But she has five broken ribs, her neck bone is fractured, a lot of bruises, cuts, and a broken leg. Her father got out of the authority's hands, and but now we're sure he's staying there. We have no idea how he got out last time, but Sara's safe now." The nurse told me.

I watched Sara lay on the hospital bed, her chest rising and falling as she inhaled and exhaled. She had a five needles sticking up her arms, and her hair was pulled back into a bun thing. She was wearing a huge hospital gown, and a light blanket was covering her from her torso down. Her eyes were closed, and she was snoring softly under the oxygen mask strapped to her face.

Tears fell as I looked at her. I could hear the others shuffling about behind me. I slowly walked over to Sara, holding her hand gently. She moved her head and faced me. She opened her eyes slowly, and stared straight at me. I smiled, despite the tears rolling down my cheeks. Her face was all beaten up. Cuts, bruises, slap marks, and huge bumps covered her entire face. Her arms were painted with purple bruises and scratch marks. She whimpered when she tried to lift her arm. 

"L-Luke?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is it really you?"

"Yes, Sara. I'm here." I whispered. "You're okay now."

"Luke, where is he? My papa?" She said, her voice showing a hint of worry.

"Gone. He's not coming after you anymore." I told her.

She sighed, and smiled a tiny bit. I tightened my grip on her hand, and she squeezed my hand back. Calum, Michael and Ashton walked up to us, and started asking Sara questions. I didn't let go of her hand, and she didn't let go of mine. I stared at her, while she answered questions. Every time she said the word 'Papa', she paused for a few seconds before talking again. 

After a few hours, it was time for us to leave. I hesitantly let go of her hand, and hugged her gently. She couldn't hug me back, because of the needles and everything, but she smiled into my shoulder. Ash, Cal, and Michael hugged her after me, then we left. 

I sat at the back of the SUV as we were on our way home. Calum, Ashton and Michael were chatting along, and I stared out the window. Sara's face was still in my mind, and I couldn't help but let a few tears out. Once we got back home, I walked straight into my room and slammed the door behind me. I flopped onto my bed, and stared at the ceiling. 

My stomach felt like it was competing in the national gymnastics competition. My head hurt the more I thought about Sara. I grabbed my blue headphones, and put them on. I plugged them into my phone and put All Time Low's "Missing You" on.

"Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one. Make no mistake, The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done. Now don't lose your fight, kid. It only takes a little push to pull on through. With so much left to do; You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you." I sang the ending. 

I pulled off my headphones, and cried into my pillow. 

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